Chapter 15

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"So what you are saying is that both of you like her?" Bruce asked, with a little surprise in his voice.

Tony rolled his eyes, as he commented after.

"God isn't it obvious ? Thor shares his food with y/n and Cap here always seems to be smiling like a fool when she's around."

Thor beamed as Tony mentioned him, but Steve coughed in embarrassment.

"Well I knew about Steve, but Thor..." Bruce pouted his lower lip in doubt.

Clint then barged into the conversation.

"Can we forget about this for a moment and concentrate on the real deal? Ok, so Rogers and Odinson, what's your current status ?"

Steve nervously played with his hands and said, "Ummm... I guess she likes me." He paused for a bit and laughed, shaking his head afterwards. Thor just gave a seriously look to him then.

"We kissed yesterday. Um... Yeah.."

"Well I kissed her too." Thor unable to hold back his rage.

"Thor, he means with her consent." Tony reminded the thunder God.

Thor crossed his hands, over his chest as he sat back sulking.

"If it means anything, we were about to kiss, 'with her consent', as you all deem is appropriate, had it not been for my father."

Steve shot a glance at Thor in horror.

"This changes everything." Clint rested his chin on his fist, as he pretended to go into deep contemplating.

Bruce logically explained the situation then, "Till now I thought Steve always had a better chance, no offense Thor, but this really changes everything."

"What do you suggest Brother Anthony?"

"Honestly, I am even impressed that you two are not physically fighting right now."

Steve cleared his throat, "Tony?"

"Fine. Its all up to her boys. And women I don't understand them at all, although I pretend to, honestly speaking. So I really don't know. All I can say is that try to impress her as much as you can. Maybe then it will be easier for her to choose between the two of you."

Thor turned his head towards Bruce, who just shrugged before saying, "I have nothing."

While Steve looked at Clint, who was still lost in his day dream.


"So what is this deal with you?" Nat came up to you while you were busying folding your clothes.

"You tell me." Not understanding the meaning of her words, you kept tending to your clothes.

Nat sat beside you in the bed, and continued.

"Well, miss ignorant, the boys are having a secret meeting in the lab."

"I'm busy!" You sang out the words in a pitchy voice.

She bit her lower lip, not trying to give away the excitement in her voice.

"They are discussing about your love affair."

At once you threw away the T-shirt you were folding and looked up to Nat.


"Yes. Apparently Steve and Thor are confused over whom you like more."

You groaned.

"Y/n I always thought that you were into Steve. How did Thor tag along?"

"Ugh.... It isn't so simple Tasha. The Prince has his ways." You drifted off in your day dream.

Nat snapped her fingers, calling you out, "Y/n! Get hold of yourself you little heartbreaker."

"Noway! I am no heart breaker!" You were slightly offended by the title.


"Well, you were right, I was into Steve at first, even now,I am! I guess a little more than before." You thought of the kiss you had shared with the soldier yesterday and blushed, but shook your head to come back. "But I have started liking Thor too. At first I thought he was arrogant, and annoying and full of himself, but then I realized he is not so entirely."

Nat raised her brow in concern.

"You know what trouble you are getting yourself into young lady?"

"I know Nat. But this stupid heart is so fickle!" You chuckled.

"Is there anyone I should know about, besides Steve and Thor!"

"No! Stop teasing me Nat!"

Nat laughed hard while you sulked away.

"But seriously Nat, what should I do?"

Nat took a deep breath after her hearty laughter and maintained a serious composure.

"You should look for love. That's all I can say."

"What if they both love me?"

"Well, that seems to be the complication here. You see y/n its very hard to find true love. From what I have heard and seen, these boys have really fallen for you. Consider yourself very lucky."


"Because, I guess, neither of them will give up on you even if you end up with the other."

You gave her a weak smile as she kissed you lightly on the forehead.

"You will always be my confused baby sister."

You then hugged her tightly as you whispered, "Thanks, I love you."

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