Chapter 22

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"That was fun." You stated happily as the three of you were seated in one of the best gourmet restaurants of New York.

You placed your hand on the stomach and patted it lightly, pouting away with glory.

"Ugh I'm feeling so hungry."

Steve pulled your cheeks and chuckled, while your face gave away the pained yet confused look. Thor could not help but snort in amusement.

When he finally stopped, you retorted in annoyance, "Steve, you think of me as a child. How embarrassing!"

He shrugged his shoulders and answered lightly, "You're cute."

"She's beautiful !" Thor slumped his hands on the table, with a large beefy smile on his face that ran from ear to ear.

Sometimes you felt so sorry for Thor, he wanted to fit in but the guy was so unique, he just could not be less prominent.

You and Steve, were startled by the sound, which was loud enough for every person in the room to hear. The room went silent and now everybody was staring at the three of you.

"Ugh... Was that very much ?" Thor lowered his head and whispered.


Your stomach was growling so much, at first it was embarrassing but then after a while you were too hungry to care.

Finally when the food came after like what seemed to be ages, you were ecstatic.

"This is Butter Poached Scotia Lobster." The waiter smiled with content.
"Please enjoy."

The dish on the plate got you so frustrated yet you could not say anything. It was the smallest portion of a meal you had ever eaten yet the most expensive.

You looked at Steve and Thor, side to side. Their faces expressed that they were confused too.

Thor could not help but give a very forced yet angry smile at the waiter.

The following courses to come were also in small portions and by the time it was over your appetite was still not quenched.

"I'm so full !!" Thor gave a sarcastic smile at the waiter when the bill was to be paid (he could have shouted and raised hell but he remembered that tonight he wasn't supposed to do so. Oh ! How he controlled). Noticing the anger in his voice the waiter scurried away from our table, clearly confused and terrified.

"That was umm.... Something." Steve cleared his throat as he said so.

Thor was still pissed off. Food was an important part of his life.

Angry and frustrated you walked out of the restaurant, with the boys following after. You were stomping your legs hard on the sidewalk, when suddenly the scent of fried chicken stimulated your nostrils. You ran towards the direction.

"Y/N ! Where are you going ?!" Steve started running behind you too. Thor who was too busy in his own thoughts, suddenly realizing that no one was around him, looked left to right and then seeing you and Steve running in front began following.

You dashed inside the diner, and took a deep breath.

"Hmmmm...... Chicken."

Steve and Thor too had reached by now, but they were panting for breath.

"Y/n. Ugh.... Cou...could.... You run.... Huff..... A bit slower.... Next .... Ufffff... Time." Steve said while trying to catch his breath. Weird right ? Hunger could make you surpass the Super Soldier's speed. (Ps : exactly how strong are you?)

Thor however had already forgotten about panting and was staring wide eyed at the diner joint. One could see the excitement in his eyes when a waiter passed by with a tray full of meat.

"Thor?" You turned around and eyed mischievously at the swarthy man.

He raised his eyebrows, and gave a grin. Walking passed an annoyed Captain, Thor crossed his arms with yours, and tread towards a booth.

You looked from your shoulder and shouted sweetly, "Cmon soldier!"

Steve could not help but smile.


"Anoth"- Thor froze as he realized what he was about to do with his hot chocolate mug.

You bit your lips trying to suppress the laughter when he gave a nervous expression.

"It's okay." Steve took the mug away from Thor's hand who smiled like a guilty child.

"Awwww.... Steve and Thor .... Theve or Shor .... " You cupped your face in your hands as you began to talk dreamily.

"What! NO!" Steve and Thor cried in unison.

You laughed your heart out.

Certainly the food was delicious beside being extremely filling. The table was occupied by a large pizza, three burgers, some wings, hot chocolate and French fries.

"A most delightful meal!" Thor beamed away happily.

Steve finally finishing his burger, agreed. He had a red spot on near his lips which was ofcourse ketchup. You leaned forward, and wiped it away with your thumb.

"Here let me clean this up."

This startled him a little for he thought you were gonna kiss him, but then realizing it wasn't so, he just stared at you lovingly. He liked it when you took care of him, in small ways.

"Ahem!" Thor cleared his throat. When you looked at him you couldn't help but laugh. He had painted his entire mouth red with ketchup.

"Stop it !" You giggled as you wiped the dirt off his mouth.

Steve just sighed. His beautiful moment had to be ruined.


"Wow. It's snowing." You put your hands in front and felt the flakes on your cold palm.

"Do you want my jacket ?" Steve came up beside you.

"Do you want my coat?" Thor followed on the other side.

"I'm already wearing my coat, but I think" - You crossed your hands with both of theirs, sandwiching yourself inbetween. - "this is warmer."

Steve curled his lips upwards while Thor's face lit up.

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