Chapter 23

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The snow made the night even more beautiful. The lights of the city were twinkling against the dark concrete walls, that in turn rose up from the white blanket of snow.

The cold chilly air refreshed your mind and at once a devious trick entered your mind.

You let go of your hands from their warm arms and ran away across the road.

Before the boys could even react, you grabbed a handful of snow and swiftly moulded them into smooth round balls.

"What are you doing Y/n?" Thor cocked his head to one side.

"Oh no y/n." Steve just warned you in amusement.

Not heeding to his warnings you threw the ball towards the soldier and then soon after Thor was attacked.

"What are" -

"Take cover Thor, I'll explain later."

Steve got hold of Thor's coat and pulled him along, behind a car.

"Brother Steve, why is y/n attacking us with these balls of snow? Have we done something wrong ?"

Steve sneaked a look from the edge of the car as he began explaining.

"No, no. It's just what we call a snow ball fight. Just for fun."

He then turned his whole attention towards the Thunder God and showed him how snowballs were made.

"See now we just throw this towards our enemy there."

He had only lifted his head to get a good glance at you before aiming to hit, when a ball smashed on his face.

"Better watch your cover Captain." You shouted from the other end.

"Oh no you didn't !" Steve shouted with so much enthusiasm that it immediately made you regret your actions. But then again your thoughts are so volatile, the fear in you vanished in no time and you were grinning from ear to ear.

"Bite me!"

"But why lady y/n?" It was Thor who had asked. He was blushing with all these crazy thoughts in his mind.

The boys could hear you laughing hard from their shelter.

"Has she gone mad ?" Thor whispered to Steve like a lost puppy.

Steve sighed and then when he finally decided to give Thor a lesson, he lowered his voice, clever enough not to let you hear his plans and strategies.

"Look here brother. We need to beat her in this ok. If we don't then by the time she's done we will be buried in heaps of snow. I don't wanna do that again."

Steve looked ahead somewhere warily, pausing for a monument before resuming his talk.

"You don't wanna go there."

There was a moment of silence. Thor's brain full of judgmental comments like, 'Why are they so foolish?' Or 'I can never truly understand the stupidity of midgardian beings.'

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