Chapter 16

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It was raining heavily outside. You, Thor and Steve were watching Casablanca.

"Where are the others? Brother Anthony? Lady Natasha?"-

"JARVIS please pause the movie." You cried out, irritated much.

"Before you ruin this scene by naming each and every missing person of our unit, Thor, let me tell you, Bruce and Tony are in SHIELD headquarters working out on some kind of prototype, whereas Nat and Clint are out on a mission."

Captain, who was sitting to the left of you, let out a snort, which made Thor grunt in anger.

You were seated inbetween the two and Thor's constant random questioning along with his loud munching sound had you on your nerves.

Thor sulked back, resting his head on his hands.

"I do not understand this particular story. Why is the man in love with her? Isn't she already married?"

Steve cleared his throat before lecturing the Norse God.

"Thor, it's a love triangle. Both of these men love her."

The weight of the words struck you. Steve cocked his head to one side and pressed his lips, realising what he had done.

The awkward silence that was lingering in the air, was soon pierced by Thor's booming voice.

The lecture seemed to have incoulcated some interest in Thor.

"Is it so lady y/n?"

You nodded your head slowly in defeat, thinking why you had even chosen to watch this movies with these two idiots.

"Who wins the woman's heart?"

"For that we have to see the whole movie, Thor !" Steve exclaimed.

The silence resumed as all of you were sucked back into the universe of Casablanca.

For at least half an hour, Thor was intently watching the movie, but his attention span was very short lived. His interest slowly faded and he began fidgeting in his place, sighed loudly and ate all the pop tarts with the noisiest sound possible.

You and Steve were however engrossed, making small discussions inbetween.

"Yes, I believe it isn't fair for him." You point out your veiws.

"I totally agree with you." Steve was trying to impress you, which was working by the way, since you gave him a big smile in return.

Thor who was watching everything, from the corner of his eyes, was becoming green with envy every second. He shifted a little towards you, so that you were more close to him now.

Just then lightning struck with a terrifying thunder.

You yelped and grabbed the closest thing to you, and that was of course the beefy Thor!

Thor could not hold back his happiness then, he was ecstatic. He immediately swung his arms around your cuddled body and said, "Have no fear my lovely maiden. I will stop this thunder at once."

The crackling light in the sky and its booming sound, occurred again.

You squeezed your eyes shut and buried deeper into Thor's chest.

Steve gave Thor a cold stare, thinking that it must have been the God's own doing.

Thor looked at Steve and spoke out in defence, "In the name of Odin, I had nothing to do with this."

Steve ignored his comment and shifted a little closer to you, keeping his hands on your shoulders.

He then looked at Thor asking him to stop this. Thor, understood Steve's expression, nodded his head, and at once summoned his hammer.

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