Chapter 5

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Every morning you would get up early and go to gym. That had become the best part of your day, because it was the only time you could actually relax. Besides actual workout, you would talk continuously, while Steve would intently listen, awed by the big snow castle you made back home when it snowed or laugh at how you spilled all your apple juice on Mr Jane, your maths teacher. He would get angry when you talked about the mean girls in your school who bullied you, and make fun of you, after hearing about the first job you got was in an adult store.

Steve would also narrate the incidents of his previous life. You would bring your legs near your chest, wrap them with your arms and rest your head on the knees.

You would slowly drown in the ocean of his blue eyes, when they sparkled with so much intensity, every time he spoke of his life.

"It was so different back then, you know, so less complicated."

You chuckled.

"You still can't get the new technology right?"

Steve raised an eyebrow as smiled.


"You miss it?"


"You're life back then?"

"Yeah sometimes I do. But now I've come to terms with it. Perhaps I'm evening starting to like it."

Steve looked at you when he said those last words but you had turned your head away in another direction.

"I heard you had some one in your life back then." You asked softly. This bothered you somehow, you just couldn't figure out why.

"Yes, her name was Peggy. She worked in the same department as I. A beautiful, yet brave a soul."

Steve was still looking at you.Something about you was so familiar. It reminded him of the feeling when he was with Peggy.

You turned your head again to face a staring Steve, who blushed when the two of you made eye contact. He lowered his gaze in embarrassment.

"So were you in love then Steve?" A curious tone in your voice.

"Yes, I was y/n." Steve replied without hesitation.

Your heart sunk a little.

"I was. And it was a beautiful feeling, I can never forget about it. But it also hurt a lot when I met old Peggy in her hospital bed. Hard to let go of someone you love a lot."
Steve looked sad.

To be honest, the confirmation that Steve was alone elated you a little, but the miserable look on his face that expressed the hurt he went through made you feel extremely guilty and so you hugged him tightly. Steve was taken aback by your action. But he finally smiled and hugged you back.

"I don't know how it feels to be in love, but I know that it doesn't come without sacrifices. What you did back then was the right thing to do. Don't regret over the fact that you were not able to spend your whole life with someone you loved. Be happy that you were able to save her life then. I am sure Peggy must have been proud of you. And if she were here now she would tell you the same. She died normally, in peace and with the assurance that she was in love with a good man who loved her back. She was a lucky woman."

You slowly pulled away from Steve and faced the wide eyed man.

"And besides you're not alone now, we're all are here for you. You can count on me especially."


"Bruce?" Steve asked, his eyes looking somewhere in the distant sea. He was standing on the pool balcony, while Bruce was sitting beside the pool reading his book.

"Yes?" Bruce asked not looking away.

"You think you can fall in love with anyone else now? I mean after Betty?"

Bruce startled by the deeply personal question, kept down his book, looked at the lost soldier and in turn asked another question.

"Why do you ask this Steve?"

Steve faced Bruce and said, "I just wanted to know. That's all."

Bruce got up from his chair, stood beside Steve and stared at the sea's vastness.

He thought about Natasha. Yes. He had started falling in love with her, and she too had started loving him. She was the only one who had understood him, the monster in him. Her laugh made him happy, her tears made him cry. The red head beauty had her own charm.

A happy smile embraced the soft face of Bruce Banner.

"You know Steve, love can happen anywhere, anytime with anyone. And that's the beauty of it."

Steve crossed his hands with a look of content in his face.

"I guess you're right Bruce"

The two men stood in front of the railing of the balcony, smiling there hearts out, thinking about their special ones, while the evening sun basked them with its orange glow, just like it did to the calm sea ahead.

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