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I also need you guys to go and support and show your love!! My book Trap Queens just dropped. Its only .99 cents so it is very affordable. Its rated 5 out of 5 stars!! Go get your copy and leave a review!!!when I see support I'll make it my mission to update EVERYTHING!! So tell your best friend, mama, and family to get their copy and leave a review!!! I'm working so hard to make all my dreams come true but it really has been hard. I almost gave up on everything and ruined myself. I have so much personal stuff going on that's brining me down but I'm trying you guys.

Social Media sites to find me at
Snapchat: ShantiiMonay
Twitter: ShantiiMonay
Facebook: Author A'Shanti Sanders and A'Shantii Sanders
Instagram: ShantiiMonay_


HERE IS A LIL CLIP TO pull you in,

I have always been the type of female that could never sit still and let some one hand her what they think she deserves, what they felt like she should only be allowed to get. That could never work for me. I've always Been hardheaded also, i liked to do what I wasn't supposed to and as soon as you tell me to do something its enbeded into me to do the opposite. But by any means necessary im going to get whatever it is that I want. I like the finer things in life and when i got into middle school I had got addicted to making sure i got it. I would five finger the malls for anything I saw and wanted. In high school, I only dated or talked to niggas that had money or could do something for me. And now as a grown ass woman I plan and go to get what it is I want, its gotten me very far. I wasn't complaining, the only problems that I had is that I knew for sure I could do more. I had no doubt I could pull off something big. The bigger it was I went the more dangerous it got, I think I got off on the trill of shit also. It turned me on to be in full control and having all the power. The rush you feel when you look over and that nigga is butt naked handcuffed to his bed watching you take all of his money from his wallet.

Just to know you are the one in charge and there is nothing he can do about it, I love it. I use what it is I got to get what I want and deserve, that's what every woman should do. That's why God blessed us with the coochie and the heart.

Hearing a knock on my front door I rose from the couch tightening up my robe. I headed to the door and peaked out of the pephole before opening the door allowing Rayne to enter. " You still sleep? " She asked holding a envelope in her hand with a smile.

" nope, waiting on you and now Jewels " I followed her back into the living room where we both took a seat on my black custom leather sofa. " You want a drink? " I asked.

" Henny, straight " She says setting up what was inside of her envelope on my coffee table. I went over to the mini bar and poured three drinks for us. I sat them on the coffee table looking over the pictures and shit she had on the table. All of them were spread about and lined up in groups of who were who.

" Im here " Jewel came in tossing her bag on the chair and sitting down. " These are who its narrowed down to? " She questioned picking up one of the pictures.

" Yall said you wanted to go big, I got who was big " Rayne said picking up her glass. One of of the photos caught my eye. I picked it up looking at him closeyly. " you like? " Rayne asked with a smile.

" Damn, he is fine " Jewel added peaking over my shoulder at the man in the picture. Usually I didn't go for the light type but it went good on him, he had some hazel eyes to match it with a curly alfro that wasn't that long but frammed his face. His facial hair was trimmed to perfection and lord knows i love a nigga with facial hair. Its something about the way it feels when you're riding their face.

" Who is he? " I questioned. To be included into this mix he had to be big and have some money. There was a photo of him getting out of a Bugatti. There was a few guys with him wearing black tailored down, I knew they were security which was a good sign and bad. Good because you won't find a nobody with security, he has to be about something. Bad because that meant I would have a hard time working around him and getting what it is we came for.

" His name is Amiris Chavez. But everybody knows him as Trade. He is fine aint he?"

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