Chapter 30

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Princess P. O. V

"It's going to be okay, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere I promise" my daddy held my hand.

I looked down at the white gown that I had been changing into and the Iv's hooked up to my arms. The machines were beating like crazy and I had an oxygen mask on my face. I was getting tired as hell. Like so sleepy it was hard to keep my eyes open.

The doctors had forced everyone to leave but my daddy refused. He stood right there with me holding my hand and letting me know everything was going to be okay. I couldn't remember when he was ever so emotionally supportive but I couldn't be more thankful because I was scared as hell.

I had been feeling light headed all day but it would go away and I would be fine only for it to come back and hit me like a truck. My body in certain places was on fire while others places was numb. I couldn't even move those places or feel a thing.
"8 months. She's 8 months. Hell I don't remember the exact week but that's what she is" was what Nana kept telling them.

I watched as they spoke back and forth walking around my bed with gloves and white suits on. I was nervous as hell because I couldn't speak. I was so tired and drained I couldn't find the energy to talk to them. The doctor came over saying something to me but I came out in low mumbled jumble that sounded like it had slow motion affect on it. I just starred at her as she opened my eyes a little wider before shinning a light in them. My eyes drifted over to my father and he looked mad as he was making all types of hand moved speaking to the nurses in the room.

I decided to just close my eyes and try to calm myself down. Count in my head and try to get myself under control and open my eyes. I closed my eyes and began mentally counting and taking deep breaths like I had been taught.

I promise I counted to sixty but instead of seconds it felt like minutes. I opened my eyes and looked down at the blue sheet that was blocking my view. Frantically I looked over and seen my dad standing right next to the end of my bed with his hands on his head looking sick to his stomach.
My stomach felt like it was on fire. My arms were hurting me and I screamed as the sharpest pain I ever felt sliced me.
"Daddy. Daddy" I cried.

I was in so much pain but it was like they weren't even hearing me. They weren't getting my cries and if they were hearing them they were honestly just ignoring them which was almost pissing me off to the worst extent. Hell I felt like I was legit dying right now and no one was trying to help me.

"Daddy-" I called him but stopped when I heard the loud screams of a baby. I began trying to move to see what was going on. But the lower half of my body was not listening to instructions.

I watched panicked as the doctors wrapped the crying baby and took off with it. It was my baby. Dripping in blood and goo was my baby. I had just had my baby.

"He's coming next. He just doesn't want to get out of there but it's now or never little guy" laughter echo in the room from the doctors. I was still trying to look at what was going on but I couldn't move and I was getting even more tired as hell.

I could still hear my baby off in the distance crying and all I wanted to do was hold him and comfort him. He just came into the world and the first person to have him in their arms wasn't me. I needed him right now.

"I got him. He's the stubborn twin" the doctor said and I looked down as he had another baby in his arms. This one seemed to be bigger than the other but he wasn't making any noise. He didn't cry or scream like his brother. I didn't see the love of his fingers or arms or anything.

The tears fell down my face and I reached for my daddy mustering up all the energy I had crying out for him to help me. I needed to help my boys.
The doctors was whispering and they rushed away with my other baby leaving from my view. My dad called after them asking what was going on but they didn't answer.
My body was on fire. There was a nurse and a doctor below down on the other end of the blue sheet but I couldn't see what they were doing.

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