Chapter 7

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Princess P.O.V

" Where are you? "

" I don't know...I never been around here before " I say looking around.

" Tell me what you see " I started to explain to him where I had been and wht I now see.

Juan Seriously had fucked with the right one.

I don't care how much shit I talk. His job? Its to be a security guard..he securies..that what he gets paid to do, no matter what.

" Okay, Your at the ring..Im on me way now " I sat down on the this big concreate boulder thingy with the phone still to my ear.

Minutes later a black charger approached then stopped. " Get in , P " Milo says. I opened the door and got in. " what happened? "

I began to tell him the story from start to finish.

" Damn, I can't believe he put you out the car..Him working for your pops is what paid for the car "

" I hope he dies " I say.

" You both took 3 steps foward then 6 steps back with this one..He was wrong for putting you out in a place where you have no clue where you were. His job is to be your security. No matter what, if you talk shit or not he has to do his job and protect you..and him leaving you back there..what if somebody was just waiting for a chance to catch you slipping an snatch you up from yo pops..thats fucked up. He's risking his life because of an arguement " I nod my head..Milo was on my side. " And you were wrong too "

" Say what now ? "

I wasn't near wrong. It was all Juans fault. He just had to be a little bitch and get into his feelings about me screaming at him.

" You disrespected the his car , P..You told him ' I should get you maxi pads since you want to act like a lil' bitch  " We both started cracking up. It hurt my mouth to laugh though...My jaw was tender and kind of swollen.

" I said female..Not bitch..and he deserved it. "

" But you could have handled the yelling you beat ol' girls still cute with your little busted mouth " He tease. I laughed and rolled my eye.

" But he pulled me out his car "

" Yeah, thats fucked up " He says. I pulled out my phone. " What are you doing. "

" Telling Uncle Ali I need to talk him about his son before I tell my father "

" Do you really want Juan to die? Cause as soon as you tell Kingston thats whats going to happen "

" Thats exactly what I want " I say typing the message. " Lets go back to my house..hopefully their both their "

" What did I get into " He sigh.

" Being Princess Mac's bestfriend "

" Lawd bless me " He says laughing. I looked at him. " Joking! "

Princess: Uncle Ali..I need to talk to u about Juan. Its important and I wanted to let u kno that i was going to my father afterwards.

Juan seriously had me fucked up if he thinks he was just going to treat me like a regular bitch and I not treat him the same. My last name means Everything..and sure enough, what the fuck I say goes. And since he thought it would be cute to throw me out the car...I'll throw him under a damn bus.

We got to my house and Milo cut off the car. " Yo house is huge " He says admiring it.

" fathers car is not here yet neither is Uncle Ali's so we can head to my room " I say. I got out and he followed.

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