Chapter 5

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- 1 Week Later

Princess Mac P.o.v

Juan quietly drives me around..He doesn't say much..He comes late in the morning and leaves as soon as my father is there and midnight has hit.

I thought I would be cool with him shutting up and leaving me to be..but I'll have to say, Im always a sucker for the silent treatment...I hate it. Mostly maybe because I feel like im not being listened too and that my way is not going..and I hate it because everything feels so weird during the silent treatment.

" You wanna hang out ? " Milo asked as I walked into the kitchen with the phone to my ear.

" Where ? "

" The boys and I and a few girls are hitting the beach around 3:30 just to smoke some and chill, you game? "

" I'll have to ask Juan "

" He still ignoring you ? "

" Yep " I sighed.

" Thought you would be happy about that, P " He laughs.

" I was the first 2 days. Now its old and annoying.  I hate it..He listens to what I say...quietly without even attempting to argue back "

" Apolgize "

" I don't know the meaning of that word " I say. He laughed out loud.

" You a brat, you know that right? Juan doesn't care about your spoiledness or whos daughter you are...say something because yo ass will be ignored for ever "

" Who you using that tone with? " I asked pouring the contents into the blender for a milkshake. I would have had the maid Ms.Cici to make it but she's out back in her house for the night. My daddy gave her the day off because her little son Carmelo is sick. He's 7 and such a bundle. I love that boy. He's like family to me.

" You! You my bestfriend, so i got to keep it real whicha ass. Thats just how it goes...There alot you need to learn about hanging with the hood niggas "

" Whatever " I say. I heard footsteps and turned around as Juan walked into the kitchen. " I got to go, I'll ask and maybe i'll see you later "

" Cool, bye "

" Bye " I hung up my cell phone and put it on the counter pressing the on button on the blender. It went for a few seconds with the ice cream and everything in it. Quickly making my milkshake. Oreo milkshake my faviorte.

I remember one time when I was young my mom made me one of these. As soon as the thought came into my mind of her I pushed them out. I hated her.

I didn't realize how angerily I had gotten about the thoughts of her and feeling something at her memory until I slammed the cabnet and looked up at Juan starring at me. " What? " I asked. Like for the past week he didn't say anything just sat quietly. " Do you want one? Its an oreo milkshake ? "

He shook his head no.

" Your behaving like a two year old, you know that ? "

He just shurgged his shoulder and I rolled my eyes turning around and filling my glass with the delicious creation I had just made. I filled the remainder into a large cup to store for later..I will come in here at 3am and drink this whole damn cup. " This is annoying. Your behaving so immaturely "

" So you see how I feel? " I turn around to face him finally getting a response out of him in a week. " U know everything is not about you, you constantly want your way and want everything to be about Princess...King might make that happen but im not your father..You respect me and you'll  get the same in return. There is alot you need to know about living outside these Mac walls...He can't alwlways save you..and that mouth and wanting to venture off and show your ignorance is whats going to get you fucked up. Stop trying so hard to show you not what the hell we think..and maybe your presence will be alittle bit more wanted around " He goes. With that said he got up from his seat at the island and walked outof the large kitchen.

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