Chapter 28

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Yaaasssss look who it is. In the flesh and blood lmao. Hey y'all ! Guess who graduated !? Anyways I know y'all don't want to hear about that. You've been waiting for it and I've been working on it. Enjoy your chap babies !! Don't forget to let me know what you think. Xoxo ps this chap is not edited so beware.

Princess P. O. V

       "Stop fucking shitting me little hoe! You pregnant?!" Nana screamed running over to me and putting her head against my stomach like she was going to actually hear a baby in there talking to her.
"You got real ghetto and ratchet just now, who in the hell taught you that?" I asked her with a laugh trying to pull her away from my growing round stomach. I don't think I was as big as I should be but it was definitely showing when I took off my clothes. I felt fat as hell.

"Princes why didn't you tell me this! My baby is having a baby. Oh my gosh I'm about to cry" she put her face into her hands  "I can't believe this right now. We use to put pillows in our shirts and now you walking around with a real live human in you. I knew you would be the first one. You was always a fast ass Lul Gayl"

      "I'm not about to play with you" I popped her in her head causing her to get up wiping her tears.

"Why didn't you tell me? Who knows? Can I put it on snapchat now? Oh my gosh is it a boy or a girl? Let's go baby clothes shopping. You got to move home. Laawwwwwddddd dis tew much. This is that nappy headed boys baby! Jesus take the wheel" my cousin was being so much more extra than I had ever seen her in my whole life. Like I didn't even recognize her right now I don't know who this little Thot had been hanging around lmao.

     " okay okay calm down please because you get me riled up. My doctor has me under close watch because she says i stress too much and it's bad for the baby. " I tell her taking a seat on my couch crossing my legs under me.

"I'm calm now please answer my questions before I loose my cool again" Nana flopped down next me getting all up on my stomach  again.
       "I don't know what I'm having yet but they said I can find out in a few weeks hopefully. The baby has to be in the right position to be seen. I haven't told anyone and neither can you. My dad doesn't know either. Like he came here a while back beating on the door trying to get in had campus security out here but I refused to let him. On top of me not wanting to see him because my feelings are hurt and I'm all emotional I'm scared as fuck. That nigga is going to kill me" I tell her.

     I was scared of being someone mom. I had the most crazy fucked up parents ever and I didn't want to put my baby through nothing close to what I was put through. As scared as I was I knew I was going to be a good mother though. My child was never goIng to feel like they wasn't loved.
"What about the baby daddy? You going to tell him?" She asked me.

"He has a whole damn girl at home he's playing house with. I'm not in America and I don't plan on going back any time soon"

"Princess you can't keep the mans baby from him. At least tell him and let him decide if he wants to have his son or daughter in his life" Nana tells me making me roll my eyes

My plans were never seeing Juan again. I couldn't believe I had let me guard down and let him in only for him to hurt me the way he did. I mean I was the laugh of all his fucking friends and family. Hell the whole damn cartel was laughing behind my back. He cut me deep man and every time I think about that shit I get teary eyed and it hurts me to the core. I didn't want to keep reliving that but I damn sure wasn't going to give my babies up so that I can try to make myself heal over him.
"What do I say? Hey I'm pregnant with twins and their yours" I asked wiping the tear that fell down my face

"Bitch what you mean twins? Lawd you don't have no vodka in here because I need a drink cousin"

"I'm pregnant with twins " my first ultrasound they didn't even see it. It wasn't until my second one that I found out. The scariest part wasn't that I was going to be a single mother out on my own trying to make shit happen. It was that I was going to have not one but two children to make it happen for.
      "Princess I know you think your superwoman and I'll be the first to say that your stronger than anyone I ever knew but your not going to be able to do this on your own. Your going to need help. You have two babies. You can't be selfish and think of you right now as harsh as that sounds they have to be put first and you have to make decisions that are best for them. That means getting around people that can be there and help y'all" Nana tells me. I had that she was dropping all of this wisdom on me that my ass was so bad tying to not to say. I knew she was right but I wasn't going to admit it so I just sat there pretending like I didn't hear her. "You get on my damn nerves, you know they say a hard head makes for a soft ass" I bust out laughing.

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