Chapter 4 - RULES

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Princess P.O.V ***

" Because " He goes driving flastly and recklessly looking into is review mirror.." Your father knows we hate not bringing you home will resort in my welcome " I shook my head..I knew a smart ass reply was to come.

" Your unbelieveable "

" I don't know what the fuck you want from me ! " He yell causing me to jump just a bit because it caught me off guard..Im not use to people raising their voices to me..I don't know who the fuck he thinks he is.

" Who are you yelling at? "

" You! What the fuck do you want from me ?! "

" Trust me, you have nothing that I could want " I mumble looking out the window.

" You make my job and life a living hell..and I havent even been your security a full weekend. Lets just get on some grounds to make both of our lives easier " He goes.

" I make the rules - "

" Correct, i make them for my damn self "

" Rule One..don't yell at me " I say..It may be surprisingly but my feelings are hurt easily.

" Rule One...Don't run from me when we're out in public " He shot back. I rolled my eyes as we continued to list our rules back and forth.

" Rule Two, Juan...Do not embarass me "

Rule Two Princess... Don't speak to me like you have lost your mind..I come from a gang where I will kill a nigga in .5 seconds for speaking reckless to me...Your lucky im being nice

" Rule Three- Don't touch disguist me and I hate for your hands or chest to be on me..your stronger then I give you credit for " I say thinking of when he chest bumpped me in the arcade.

" Rule 3- Don't behave like a brat..No kicking, crying..screaming or hissy fits "

Guess I could live with these rules until he pissed me off. As long as he followed mines Im cool.

" Fine. " I extend my hand.

" Im not shaking your hand..Rule 3 don't touch you..and I hardly know you " He goes looking at the road. I rolled my eyes again..he makes me do that alot now. He better be lucky he obeyed my rule though.

" Where are we going? " I asked sitting back in my seat knowing we weren't on the way to my house anymore.

" Rule 4- shut up and ride  "

" Rule Four- You do your job and take me where I want..Your my body guard..not the othr way around " I shot back. He was going to make the next few months very long and tiring..and I wasn't prepared.

" Do you want to go sit in the house or nah? "

" No " I say quickly.

" When we get here..Don't mug anybody...smoke anything..or pick up a drink " He says turning the speaker system up before I could ask questions. I sat back starring out the window...Only about 15 minutes later did we enter a rough hood. I mean, the real live ghetto.  Ratchet ho's, kids in full diapers, basketball goals with no rims on the street...but everybody was out chilling and enjoying the day.

Not like in my neighbor hood where you walk for a mile and see your neighbor finally and she's watering her fake lawn..Its different here.

We pulled up to a small blue house and there was guys and females on the porch smoking, talking and laughing..There was some big dogs on chains too..I was nervous now. I looked over at Juan and he was watching me. " Scared ? " He asked.

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