Chapter 6 - Harder Than I thought

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*** Princess P.O.V  ***

" Drunk in loveeeeeee! We be all night ! " I sing. Juan hit the button cutting off the music.

" Rule suck " He says.

I kissed my teeth turning to mug him. " Whatever I sound like Bey "

" You wished.."

It was day one on his project Princess plan.

I honestly believed that he couldn't changed me if he tried...Im too set in my ways..but the thought of him trying was funny enough. Plus since i rather not spend my time fighting him ever single day all day everyday..why not try to come to some weird ammends with him.

I wouldn't call us friends...but we're not as big as enemies as we was once this started.

" Where are we going ? " I asked looking out the window.

" Somewhere...your supposed to shut up and ride "

" Im a quizitive person "

" Nah, you just like to hear you own voice. " I turned and mugged him only making him laugh. " Its true, shit. If this is going to work..If im going to be Juan..I have to keep it 1hunnid with you. I won't hold back on telling you how I feel "

" Oh and trust I want do the same..and I feel that plaid shirt is hurting my eyes and that somebody needs to burn it " He looked down from the road at his shirt. With that being said I turned back on the music. Im just being honest.

" I can't stand you " He mumbles. I smiled.

" Same here, dude " I say. He turned down the music some to a even level and we drove for a bit in silence. I had no clue to where he was taking me. " Mi wah guh nyam " I say.

" What ? " He asked turning to look at me upside my head. I chuckled to myself.

" I want to go eat " I repeat.

" Yo , for someone so little you stay hungry "  he says causing me to shrug my shoulders.

" I love food "

" I can tell " He says..." So you speak like in a accent like King ? He has his moments where thats all he says and you can't understamd shit. Then he has his moments when he sounds like a true Californian "

" I only use my accent when Im trying to butter up my daddy..Its there. "

" Let me hear "

" No. Im not fond of it..I use it against my pops "

" You boring " I laughed. " So you been to Jamaica ? "

" All the time. I constantly traveled back and forth with my father for business and to visit my family. I stayed a couple summers out there for a few years and lived with my kinfolks. You ever been ? " He shook his head no. " Go one day, its beautiful. The island has alot offer "

" I'll remember that " He says. The drive was silent until we pulled up to a was in the cuts of alot of old abandoned buildings on a long back street. " Lets go " He got out the car and I followed. He locked the car up and I looked around.

I had no idea where the hell we were. I followed behind him as he headed for the building. He spoke to someone then the doors opened and we stepped inside.

There was people all around..A big boxing ring in here and a bar and other stuff.

" Where am I ? "

" The place thats going to break you out of that anti- social shit..and warning, if you get into it with somebody here because of that ready to back it up "

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