Chapter Thirteen

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I drive quickly in Louis’s car as I head to my mom’s house. Louis and everyone else are with me, except Harry. Apparently, he went out before they found me on the floor. They wouldn’t let me go alone because they just had to see what I was talking about. And yes-I called Mary my mom. It just seemed right. She’s basically been a mother to me for my whole life. And she did adopt me. So yeah, she is my mom.   

We stop abruptly in front of my house. We stand outside the front door. Everything seems calm. Then I hear it. Her scream. The blood curling scream that was in my vision. I scream too.  

“Mary!” I shout. I swear I hear her call my name. Louis tries to open the door but it’s locked. Before I even know what I’m doing, I kick down the door. We run inside and see someone holding her by the throat against the kitchen wall. None of us can see his face. Mom can. He holds a dagger in his hand, ready to stab her.  

“Wait…You’re…” my mom starts off weakly.  

“Hey!” Liam shouts. The boy turns to face us. We don’t see his face, but I can see him smirk. He looks at my mom, then stabs her in the stomach. She screams in pain. I scream in anger, and before I know it I’ve punched the guy in the face, still not knowing who he is. I hear him laugh. He drops the knife and runs out the back door. I turn around and see a pool of blood forming on the ground.   

“Mom!” I shout. I kneel down. She smiles at me weakly, but then her eyes start to close. “Mom, please stay with me! Don’t die!” I cry.  

“I’m here sweetie. I’m here.” She whispers. I sit there sobbing, as Liam and Zayn pick my mom up and Louis guides me out of the house. Niall closes the door behind us, and we start to drive to the hospital. I hold her in my arms. She is still breathing, but only just. I’m just about to say we should call my dad and my brothers when Louis takes my phone. I look up at him with teary eyes.  

“What are you doing?” I ask him.  

“Calling your dad and brothers. You said they were out on a guys vacation right?” he asks me and I nod. Well, they’re actually on a hunt, but that’s what I’ve told the boys. He goes through my contacts and when he finds my dad, he calls.  

John’s (Alexis’ Uncle) P.O.V  

I was in the motel with Sam and Dean. We were working on a hunt. Suddenly, my cell phone started ringing. I looked and saw that it was Alexis. Why is she calling? I thought she hated us. I know it sounds rude but it’s true. I smile and pick it up.  

“Hey Alexis.” I say into the phone, and both Sam and Dean look up at me.  

“Hello?” a voice asks with a British accent. That’s not Alexis.  

“Who is this?” I ask angrily.  

“Oh, it’s Louis Tomlinson, Alexis’s boyfriend.” He answers. I calm down.  

“Oh, hi Louis. Why are you calling with Alexis’s phone?” I ask him. I take my cup and start drinking water from it.  

“I have some bad news. We were going to your place so we could drop her off from the amusement park, when we heard screaming. We went in and some guy was attacking your wife. He stabbed her. He ran away though and we’re taking her to the hospital. Alexis would’ve done this herself, but she’s really upset. She’s holding her crying.” Louis tells me. I literally spit the water out of my mouth when I hear that Mary was attacked. Sam and Dean jump out of their seats, startled by my actions.   “WHAT!” I shout into the phone.  

“We’re taking her to the hospital right now. Look sir, I don’t know you that well but I’m sorry about all this.” He tells me.  

“It’s fine, Louis. You seem like a nice young man. Tell Alexis to call me with updates on Mary. I have to go. Good bye.” I say into the phone.  

“Goodbye.” I hang up. Sam and Dean stare at me.  

“What is it dad?” Sam asks.  

“It’s Mary. She was attacked. They’re taking her to the hospital right now. We have to stay here.” I said. They nod, and we continue to work on our hunt.  

Alexis’s P.O.V  

I sit with my head in my hands as we wait in the waiting room for news about my mom. I lay my head in Louis’s lap, and he plays with my hair as I quietly sob. Niall and Liam sit across from us, and Zayn just sits alone playing with his thumbs. I hear Louis singing slightly to his bands first song, What Makes You Beautiful.  

“Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell, you don’t know-o-o, you don’t know your beautiful…” his angelic voice rang in my ear. I sob a little more.  

“Shh, it will be okay, Alexis. I promise.” He whispers in my ear. I continue to cry until the doctor comes out.   

“Mason party?” he asks. We nod and all of us get up. “Well, she lost a lot of blood. She’s got multiple injuries, and she’s in a coma. The good news is that it looks like it won’t last too long. She could be out within a couple of days.” He explains, and we all nod.  

“Can we see her?” I ask him. He nods and we walk into her room. She has a machine connected to her with red flowing though it. I’m guessing that’s blood. She is knocked out. She has multiple bandages on her. Her skin is pale. I grab a chair and take a seat next to her. I take a hold of her hand. It’s cold to the touch. I squeeze it lightly and hope that I’ll get one back, but I don’t. I let more tears escape my eyes as I look at her closed eyes. We just stay here for a while, in silence. Eventually, the doctor tells us to leave. I kiss my Mary's cold pale skin on her forehead and we leave. We get in the car and drive back to the boy’s place. I call my dad and inform him on my mom’s condition. When we get there, we walk in quietly because we think that Harry is asleep. I go up to my room and just cry. I cry and cry and cry. I cry until I fall asleep.  

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