Chapter Four

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Cali’s P.O.V

We just walked inside the creepy mansion. I’m gripping Alex’s arm really tight. We hear a bang behind us. We turn around and we see the door has shut. Zayn walks over and tries really hard to open the door. It doesn’t budge.

“It’s locked!” Zayn shouts. He sounds worried. I am. Alexis gave me a look outside that meant that this place is not safe, and yet we’re inside.

I turn around and see a dark shadow figure right next to me. The whole room goes dark. The shadow figure grabs my arm. It hurts so much I start screaming. I can’t see what’s happening. I lose my grip on Alexis’s arm and I am dragged down a hallway. I continue screaming. I try to wiggle myself out of the shadow figure’s grasp, but obviously I can’t. He drags me into a room with an old fashioned mirror with it. It has a brown wooden frame and cobwebs. He stops dragging me. I bolt up and try to run for the door, but a force pulls me back and throws me against the wall. I wince. The figure comes up and scratches me on the face. I scream in pain but he covers my mouth. He lifts me up by the neck and pins me to the wall, hard. His hand around my neck, he looks up and down at me and then chuckles. 

“I’m going to have fun with this.” Is all he says. All of a sudden, I feel something forcing itself down my throat, something dark and evil. I get a glance and what I think I see is a black cloud shoving it’s way down my throat. The shadow figure is gone. Wait, I think I know what that shadow figure was. Before I even get the chance to think it, my vision starts to go blurry, then completely black. I can’t control what I do anymore and I feel myself fall to the ground, then I pass out, but not before feeling myself being shoved into the mirror.

I suddenly wake up in front of the house we were in. It looks even creepier than it did before. And I’m alone. I take a step forward and feel something brush against my leg. I look and see that I a carrying a bag. I open it up and see guns, knives, bottles of what I’m guessing is holy water, old books, all that stuff that Alexis carries with her on a hunt. Why do I have this stuff? Then a horrible voice speaks.

“If you want to make it out alive, you must pass this test.” It speaks to me. It seems so familiar, yet I can’t put my finger on who it is.

“Oh yeah? And what if I don’t do the test?” I ask confidently.

“You die!” It replies. A big shutter goes through me. I feel goosebumps on my arms. I nod my head and walk forward. I walk into the big house. The doors slam shut behind me again. I look ahead of me and walk forward. I walk into what I’m guessing is a family room. There is a fireplace that is lit. I see a man sitting there. He has blonde hair. I slowly and quietly walk forward towards him, being careful.

“Um, hello? Sir?” I ask hesitantly. He doesn’t reply. “Hello? Sir? Are you okay?” I ask again. Still no answer. I slowly walk in front of him and immediately wish I hadn’t. I see an all too familiar blonde boy with a bloodstain on his shirt and no light in his eyes. Niall. Oh poor Niall. He’s dead.

“Niall?” I ask. Yep, he’s definitely dead. I decide to keep going. I want to cry over him, but I need to pass this “test” or whatever it is that I’m doing. I walk into the next room of what I’m guessing is a kitchen. It’s very dark in here, the only light coming from the moon outside. I look around and see a figure in a dark coat standing at a mahogany kitchen table. I start to walk forward again. I get a better view. The man has very pale skin and jet black hair with a blonde streak in it. I know that hair anywhere. Zayn. Then I notice another body on the table. I’m guessing a woman. Her skin is pale. I can’t see her very well. Zayn’s kind of blocking my view of her and he’s leaning over her.

“Zayn, are you making out with her? Because if you are, can you at least not do it on a kitchen table…” I trail off when I finally see the whole picture. There is a reason the girl is so pale. Her face is gone, like completely ripped off gone. There is blood everywhere and there is a bunch of it on Zayn, covering his shirt, mouth and the rest of his body. Disgusting. Now I understand why Alexis hates red so much. He looks up at me, his eyes flashing blood red. I gasp and back up against the wall. He starts towards me. I almost scream, but before I know it I’m holding the machete. I kind of know what to do. Alexis taught me a bit about hunting. I swing it at him and he dodges it. I swing again. He dodges. We repeat this continuously when I finally remove his head. I look away. I didn’t want to kill him. It was self-defense. Now I know why Alexis hates her life sometimes. I look away and step over his body. “Sorry Zayn.” I mutter as I walk upstairs. I reach a bathroom and I am shocked by what I see. 

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