Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up to someone talking. My eyes were still heavy, so I could barely keep them open. I groaned and stretched my arms out searching for Louis’ warm body, but instead, I found nothing but the cold, soft, silky sheets of my bed. My eyes snap open and I sit up straight. My eyes scan the room for Louis, but I find nothing. I look at the clock. It’s 8:30 am already. I am still tired because by the time we finished dealing with everything last night it was two in the morning. So I’ve only gotten six and a half hours of sleep, and I usually get more than that.

I start to hear the voices again. They are coming from my bathroom. Slowly I get up and move towards the door. I stop suddenly and grab my baseball bat. I grip it tightly in my hands as I continue to move towards the door. As I get closer I start to recognize the voice. It belongs to Louis. I reach the door and push it open slightly. I hear him shout suddenly and I remove my hand from the smooth wood. I hear him muttering, and I press my right ear to the door and try to listen to what he is saying.

“What the hell!” Louis mutters. I look at the door confused, but continue to listen to what he says. He pauses after each phrase. “Wait, no, please, stop it! Wait! Stop it! Quit it! What are you doing? NO!” he screams the last word. I start to panic and I burst in. I find Louis lying on the floor, eyes closed and he is rolling around while screaming. I bite my lip to hold back tears and I run up to him.

I start to shake him awake. His eyes snap open and he looks at me, fear scrawled across his face. A few silver tears start to fall down his cheeks and he starts to sob. I start to cry and I hold him in my arms. I wrap my arms around his neck while he has his around my small torso. I rub his back and try to comfort him. He cries into my shoulder. I help him up and back to my bed. We both lay down and under the covers.

“Louis,” I say softly, and he looks up at me with gray teary eyes. “What happened?” I ask. A few more tears slip away before he looks up and answers.

“I…I was having this nightmare, and it felt so real. The next thing I know is you’re shaking me awake in the bathroom. I don’t even know how I got in there.” He whispers, and then he sobs a little. I wipe his tears away with my thumb then I wipe my own away. I look up at him and hold back my tears.

“What was the nightmare about, love?” I ask him, trying my best not to cry. He sighs and lays his head down. I mimic his moves.

“It was about…you.” He answers. I give him a look that says continue. “You had a gun and you handed one to me or something and we drove off to some place and you said we had to kill this monster or something like that. Then when it came out to attack us it hurt you and it killed you. Then it went for me and I was being clawed and punched and stabbed and…oh it was so horrible.” He sobs loudly into the pillow. I rub his back comfortingly while I wipe away some of my tears. I take a shaky breath and pull Louis’ face up to look at me.

“Louis, I’m here. Nothing will hurt me. Nothing will hurt you. I promise.” I say reassuringly, but I don’t even believe myself right now. So much is happening all at once and it’s just so hard now. He looks up at me with teary eyes like he will crack at any moment and it hurts me to see him like that. He takes a shaky breath.

“Really?” he asks.

“I promise you Louis.” I say. I kissed his lips lightly and we both lay down together. He continues to cry, but it’s silent tears this time.

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