Chapter Twenty Six

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I run up the long stair case as fast as I can. My heart is beating faster than ever. Cali, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Zayn are all following me up the stairs. All I hear is my heart pounding. I reach the top of the stairs and run down to the end of the hall where his room is. I reach the door and try to turn the knob. It won’t budge. Everyone crowds behind me. They try to open it. They bang their shoulders against the door. I groan.

I push them aside and lift my right foot up. I kick on the door hard and it falls down. We all step in and gasp at the scene.

There is broken furniture everywhere. One of the pegs on Louis’ bed is broken and it makes the bed tilt on an angle. His TV is on the floor, a crack in the screen. There are holes in the walls. The curtains are ripped, and the window is open. A chair is broken in half. Clothes are everywhere on the floor and bed, blood covering them. Blood covers the walls and furniture. His mirror is broken and there is glass everywhere. But there is one thing that really scares me.

Louis is missing.

I look around the room frantically for any sign of Louis. Nothing.

“Louis?” I call out. No response. We all walk into the room and search around, but find nothing. I walk up to the window and look outside. I see no signs of anything climbing a tree.

“What the hell happened?” Zayn asks. Liam shrugs.

“I don’t know.” Niall says. I walk back over to the group.

“Wait, what’s that smell?” Harry asks. I pause and sniff the air. I immediately start to cough my lungs out. I recognize it but I’m not completely sure. I walk over to the window, noticing a powdery substance on the windowsill. I stroke my fingers on it, and get some of the powder on my fingers. I smell it. I cough my lungs out again. Yep, I definitely know what happened.

“Sulfur.” I say. Everyone looks at me.

“What?” Liam asks.

“I said that what you’re smelling is sulfur. I just found a bunch of it on the windowsill.” I say.

“And how does that help us?” Harry asks. I sigh. 

I give Cali a look, saying that it’s time to tell them the truth. It’s time to reveal my secret to the boys. Cali shakes her head, but just nod it. She puts her head down, then walks over next to me.

“It helps us know who took Louis.” Cali says. The boy’s give us confused looks.

“Look, we’ve kind of been keeping something from you guys, for a long time actually. Now I think you need to know what it is.” I say.

“Spill.” Niall says. I take a deep breath before saying it.

“I’m a hunter.” 

The boy’s just stare at me like I’m an alien, then they burst out laughing. I roll my eyes.

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