Chapter Thirty Seven

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We’ve been here at the hospital for exactly one week now. Not much has happened since. Alexis has gotten worse, according to the doctors. They said that she now has a thirty-percent chance of not making it, and they said that before it was just two percent. I’ve noticed as well that she hasn’t been getting better. She is now more of a sickly pale then just really pale, her heart monitor beats slower now, and I pay a lot of attention to that. The doctors have been trying to do some tests on her to see if there is anything else wrong with her or if they can find out when she will wake up. I stay with her every day; I haven’t left her room once, not to eat, walk, use the washroom, or anything, I have stayed with her the whole time. I just hope that she makes it, because I can’t lose the one I love. Alexis is important to everyone, not just me.

Zayn has gotten better. He’s still really pale, and still has a lot of noticeable injuries on his body. He’s still in his wheelchair because he can’t walk, and he’s still pretty weak. He’s been wheeling himself around the hospital a lot to try and build up some muscle in his arms, and because his doctor told him to as well. He still shows that he is in a lot of pain, but he still seems better. He’s been taking a lot of painkillers now, trying to reduce the amount of pain he feels every day, and they’ve sort of worked. I think the doctor said that he will be able the stop using his wheelchair in a few days, but he will have to use crutches a lot, because he will still be too weak to walk. And we’ll have to help him walk and do other things because it will be hard for him to do them on his own. He’ll also have to take medicine for about a month to help with the pain and everything. He doesn’t do much though, just wheels around the hospital, watches Alexis silently, lays down in his hospital bed in his room or just stares out the window with a blank expression. I just hope that he will be okay.

Dean seems to hate me less now then he did before. I catch him and John giving me short glares every now and then. I can tell that there is anger in Dean’s eyes whenever he looks at me, but I still don’t know why he thinks it was me who put Alexis in her condition. I didn’t do anything to her, I am sure of that. I don’t remember anything from that night, but I know that I would never do such a thing as to hurt my girlfriend. I can also tell that it’s hard for Dean not to lash out at me every time he looks at me. I still remember everything he said to me a week ago, and I remember how he just lashed out at me, and I fought back really hard. I still can’t believe how hard the fight got, and I can’t believe how hard I fought. I just remember feeling this anger inside me and that I had to fight back. Hopefully Dean won’t lash out at me again, but I’m scared that he will.

Sam has somehow miraculously recovered from his injuries. He can walk now, and according to the doctors he was supposed to be in the wheelchair for months. He doesn’t have any marks that shows that a truck hit him, you can’t even tell that a truck hit him. It’s almost like it never happened. The doctors don’t know what happened or how he recovered so suddenly, they just say that it’s a miracle. I’m glad that he’s better now, because Alexis will be happy when she wakes up and hears that Sam is better. Everyone seems pretty happy about his sudden recovery. Sam and Dean left three days ago because they said that they have important business to attend to.

Harry, Niall, Liam, and Cali have gotten better. Liam is in the best condition out of everyone, because he only has a few injuries that are barely noticeable. He just seems really tired now a day, like he hasn’t slept in days. Niall is still a bit pale, and he still has thick bandages wrapped around his arms. Apparently he has a bunch of cuts on his arms, and he won’t tell me how he got them. Every time I bring it up all he does is go silent and play with his fingers, which really gets me annoyed, because I feel like he can’t trust me and I am very trustworthy. Cali still has a bandage wrapped around her head from a week ago because apparently she got a cut on her head and so the bandage will help heal it. Some of her noticeable injuries have healed up, but she still has a bit of trouble walking from limping and she is still a bit weak because she told me she was knocked around a lot. She seems a bit happier now than she was before though, which is nice. Harry still has a lot of cuts and bruises all over his body. He has a noticeable limp and he winces sometimes when he moves his right arm around. I sometimes hear Harry sobbing slightly when he is alone, and I catch him crying. He keeps saying that he’s only crying because of what Alexis is going through, but I have a feeling that it’s not the only reason that he is crying. Everyone still has the bandages on their hands, including Alexis, and I still have no idea why they have them on their hands. They won’t tell me, and I also feel like they are all keeping something from me, and they also won’t tell me that either.

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