Chapter Three

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I was walking along at night, with Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Cali. We went to see a movie, and now we were just walking around. My fingers we laced with Louis’s. It was the same with Cali and Harry. Eventually Louis put his arm around me and I blushed. Tell him! A voice shrieked in my head. I tried to ignore it, but I heard it again. Tell him already! I just ignored it. It came often. I know I don’t have schizophrenia. I just feel guilty about not telling Louis about my past. I love him. I don’t want to lose him. If I tell him, he might not want anything to do with me. If I don’t tell him, and he finds out, then he still might not want anything to do with me. But what if I tell him and he still loves me? Is that possible? I honestly have no idea. I’ve never been in love before until now. I’ve kind of pushed away all thoughts of love until Louis came back to visit from his tour with his band mates. I guess I’ve been waiting for him all along. And now he’s here. And we’re together.

After about three hours of walking, we get tired. We walk over to a dark street. There aren’t a lot of houses there, and the ones that are seem pretty big, old and beaten up. They all seem pretty empty. We walk into the middle of the road when Liam starts to panic. His face goes pale and his eyes widen.

“Oh no! I think we’re lost! Oh what are we going to do? We should’ve been home hours ago. Why didn’t we take the car?” He says with wide eyes. He looks around nervously in the dark of night. I feel bad for the poor guy.

“I’ll call Paul and get him to pick us up,” says Harry. He takes out his phone and starts to dial a number, when he frowns. “Phone’s dead.” Wait, his phone is dead? Oh no. Wait, don’t over react. His phone might just be dead.

“Here, I’ll try.” Says Louis. He removes his arm from my shoulder, and I feel a chill filling in the spot where his arm was. He takes his black berry out and is about to dial a number when he frowns too. “Mine’s dead too.” 

Everyone starts taking their phones out and frowning. 

“Dead,” says Zayn.

“Not working,” says Liam with a worried look on his face. I want to understand why he might be scared, but after years of hunting, I just don’t feel it as much as I used to.

“Mine’s dead too,” says Cali with a frown. She looks at me, with fear in her eye. I think she’s thinking what I’m thinking right now, which is this is not safe. 

“Mine’s working-wait. Nope. Never mind. It’s dead,” says Niall and he frowns too. All of our phones are dead and we happen to be in a creepy area. Not suspicious at all, don’t you think? Note the sarcasm. I really don’t have a good feeling about this place. I definitely don’t.

“Hey, why don’t we just stay in that house for the night, and we’ll go find a payphone and use it tomorrow.” Says Louis. He points to a creepy house over at the end. All the windows are boarded up shut. The bricks outside seem pretty old and the place looks like it might fall down and crumble at any moment. All of a sudden I hear a faint scream. I think only I hear it because the boys and Cali are just chatting with each other. Well, it’s pretty obvious that only I would hear it. My mom and dad also taught me to listen very carefully. I got so good at it that I can hear one quiet noise in a big noisy, crowded room. They’ve trained me really well. The scream sounds like it’s coming from the house Louis suggested we should go in. Now I really think we shouldn’t go in there. I know that it’s not safe.

“I don’t know Louis, it seems pretty dangerous.” Says Liam. “I don’t think we should go in there.”

“I agree. That place is really freaking me out.” Says Cali, eyeing me. She can tell by the expression on my face that this place is not safe. I’ve taught her some expressions I’ll give when I know the place isn’t safe or we shouldn’t go in or something is not right. She can read me really well now.

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