Chapter Twenty Two

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I stare at the files wide-eyed. Harry Styles is my cousin? No! It can’t be true. I like him and all, but there is a lot a bad history with my part of the family, so Harry being related to me might make him more likely to get hurt. I have to tell him. But I still am shocked about this. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. I look up at Mary, she is giving me an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry.” She says softly. I stare at her wide-eyed. How do I not remember this? “You met him before, you know. You met each other when you were eight. Remember that time when you were eight and you woke up in the hospital and we said you were in a car crash?” she asks. I nod slowly. “Well, he was involved. You both lost a part of your memory. You forgot everything about each other. His mother knows about the history of our family and has agreed to let you discover each other again yourselves. I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you before, sweetie. The doctor did say that maybe one time if you two ever met again you would maybe gain back your memories of each other though.” She says. I stare at her in shock. She never told me! I can’t believe it! I can’t trust any of my family anymore.

Suddenly, memories of Harry and I hanging out together started to play in my head. I see images of us on swings and him giving me a piggyback ride. All of the memories come back.

“I…I…I remember him now.” I whisper. She gives me a tight hug.

“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you. Please don’t be mad.” She says. I sigh, as much as I want to be mad at them, I can’t. I just can’t anymore.

“I’m not. Can I take these with me? I want to tell Harry.” I say. She nods. I open the door, get in my car and drive to the boy’s. How am I going to explain this to them?


I pull up to the boy’s place. I told Cali to go there too. They all need to know this. I’ve lied to the boy’s about a lot already. I can at least be honest about this. I slowly get out of the car and step into the cool air. It’s freezing outside and I am frozen to death. I walk up to the door, holding my files tightly in my hand, like if I dropped it, I would die. I knock on the door three times and wait nervously for someone to answer the door. I hear some shuffling and then Louis opens the door. He gives me a warm smile and I give him a weak one back. He moves aside so I can step in. A nice warm breeze instantly greets me. I take off my boots and coat and sit down with the boys and Cali. I look around nervously as we sit in silence. Louis wraps his arm around me and stares curiously at the files in my hand, along with everyone else. After a few minutes, Zayn clears his throat.

“What’s that you’ve got there?” Zayn asks. I look down at the files, a frown appearing on my face. I feel tears building up in my eyes and I fight them to keep them from falling down my cheeks. I don’t look up at anyone, I just keep my head low.

“Mary told me more about my family. She said I had a cousin.” I mutter.

“And? Who is it?” Louis asks. I swallow hard, and feel a tear fall down my cheek as I look up at Harry. He gives me a confused look along with everyone else, but then they realize that what I am saying is that Harry is my cousin. Harry stares wide-eyed at me, eyeing the files. He walks over and gently takes them out of my hand. He opens them up and reads them. He frowns and hands them to me again. He takes deep breaths and runs a hand through his curls as he paces around the room. I keep my head low avoiding eye contact with everyone. He leans against the wall and looks at me. He clears his throat and I look up at him.

“So…we’re cousins…” he says awkwardly. I nod. I feel like I can’t speak right now. “There were pictures of us together in there. How come I don’t remember you?” he asks. I sigh. 

“Um, guys, can me and Harry have a few minutes alone?” I ask kindly. They all nod and leave the room, leaving just Harry and me. I turn around and face him again. He waits for an answer to his question. “Do you remember waking up in a hospital when you were around seven or eight and your parents said you were in a car crash?” I ask him. 

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