Chapter Sixteen

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Alexis’s P.O.V

I hear a bang and I flinch. I have a feeling that things won’t end well. We sit here for a while when I hear Cali scream, “GET AWAY FROM ME HARRY!” That is not good. We all get up and head upstairs. I go to the boy’s guestroom, where I’m guessing Cali is and try to open the door. It’s locked. I knock on it.

“Go away Harry!” Cali cries. Oh, what did that boy do?

“It’s Alexis. Please let me in.” I beg. After a few seconds, she opens the door. Her hair is a mess; her eyes are red-blood shot-and there is a red patch on her right cheek. I think it will turn into a bruise soon. She’s limping too. I instantly hug her. I lead her to the bed, which is now a mess. The boys follow us in. She starts to break down again and cries into my shoulder. I pull her face up. “Cali, what happened to your face?” I ask her. She sobs.

“Harry and I started fighting and…” she trails off before sniffling and crying again.

“He hit you?” I ask, fury building up in me. She nods before sobbing again. Anger boils up in me. No one messes with my best friend and gets away with it. Oh Harry better pray because I’m about to go all hellhound on him. I storm out of the room, leaving Cali crying on her bed. I walk down the hallway to Harry’s room. All the boys follow me. They’re like little dogs following their owner around, and honestly, it’s getting a bit annoying. I pound furiously on Harry’s door. “Harry, open the damn door!” I shout.

“Go away!” his voice cracks slightly, like he’s used his voice so much that it hurts that. But I don’t care.

“HAROLD EDWARD STYLES! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN MYSELF AND HIT YOU WITH IT! YOU KNOW I WILL!” I shout louder than I ever have before. After a few seconds, Harry opens the door. He looks worse than Cali did. His eyes are really red, puffy and blood shot. His hair is really messy. There are streaks from tears and his face has gone pale. He looks like he’s been crying. I almost feel bad for him when I remember what he did to Cali and how he promised he never would. I shove him to the floor. I would usually kick him, but I want to wait for a few minutes before I put him though hell.

“What the hell was that?” he asks me. All the boys stare at me wide-eyed. I guess they weren’t expecting me to do that.

“Guys, go downstairs. Me and Harry have to talk.” I say though gritted teeth.

“But Alexis…” Louis starts off.

“NOW!” I growl. They all obey and go downstairs. I shut the door behind me. Harry gets up. I walk over to him slowly, then slap him across the face. He stares at me with wide eyes. He tries to slap me back, but fails and I kick him in the shin. Then he punches me in the stomach, but not hard really, so it doesn’t hurt. I take his wrist and flip him over. He lands hard on the ground and he winces. I put my knee on his chest and he groans. “ You’re lucky your famous and you’re my boyfriends best friend. Next time, think before you hurt my best friend, or else I won’t be so easy on you.” I whisper and growl in his ear. He nods and I help him up. He winces. He walks into the bathroom and checks himself. He should be thankful that there aren’t any bruises. As he washes his face, I ask him, “Why did you do it?” he looks at me with hurt in his eyes. He sighs and sits with me on his bed.

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