Chapter Twenty Nine

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We examine the wanted poster some more. It has a picture of Tommy when I’m guessing he was about sixteen. He wears jail shirt with black stripes on it. He wears a baggy jean jacket over top of it. His hair id flat down and a mess. He looks kind of pissed off in the photo. He looks like he’s glaring at someone. I can see the evil in his eyes. 

I fold the poster up and shove it into my pocket. I load a gun up. 

“I was just thinking about this now, but do you think that Louis and Tommy are related?” Cali asks. I pop my head up.

“Maybe. I mean Tommy’s middle name is the same as Louis’ last name, they look almost exactly alike, what else is there?” Niall asks.

“Also, do you think those victims are related to us?” Harry asks, loading up a gun as well, but struggling.

“I think so. I mean, we share the same last name as them and they look almost exactly like us.” Liam answers, placing Zayn gently down on a chair so Liam can take his knife out. Zayn groans slightly, finally dropping his gun to the floor. Liam picks it up and puts it in Zayn’s hand again. Zayn can’t hold it anymore. He just drops it again. He looks up at us. “Guys, what do we do?” he asks. I think for a second then take out some gauze. I walk over to Zayn and take one of his cold, pale hands in mine. I place the handle of the gun in it. I wrap his hand and the handle of the gun in the gauze and pin it there. Now Zayn can hold the gun.

“There,” I say, smiling at him reassuringly. He nods and just sits there. 

Liam puts the knife in his pocket and then helps a weak Zayn up. They wrap their arms around each other and stand up. Zayn looks around with a blank and lost expression. I wonder how Zayn’s feeling?

Zayn’s P.O.V

Liam wraps his arm around me tightly and pulls me up. I bite my lip to stifle a groan from escaping. Every time I move, I feel pain course through me like crazy. It hurts to do anything. I have been holding in my groans and screams as much as I can, but it hurts so much that it’s hard. I wrap my arm tightly around him and hold onto him for dear life. I feel like if I let go all will be lost and I will fall to my painful death. But that might be the case if we don’t get this demon out of Louis and get me to a hospital. I feel like the life is being drained out of me every second, and soon I’ll just be a dry, lifeless corpse. Well, that is kind of true, but I don’t want it to be. I want to live for a long time. I want to have kids. I want to have a wife. I want to see my son or daughter take their first steps and graduate high school. Is that too much to as for?

I know that when we get the demon out of Louis we need to take Alexis to the hospital. I saw the bullet wound. I saw the cuts on her arms and stomach. I saw the bruises. That demon Louis beat her and cut her badly. That demon is I guess the evil spirit demon of Tommy. I think Alexis said Tommy must’ve cursed himself and turned him into a demon or something. I’m not really sure because I’m growing weaker and I’ve been zoning in and out of reality, so I’m not completely sure. I think that’s what she said.

Tommy must’ve been really messed up. To turn him self into a demon, that is just sad. I don’t know why he would do that. It’s just sad. I am sure Alexis doesn’t know either. I think it wasn’t just because he was mental. I think there was another reason that he turned himself into a demon. I might be losing a lot of blood and could die tonight, but I can still think. I’m not getting stupid as I get weak, and I’m not going to let myself die. I’m going to push through this and make sure I live through the night. I’m going to make sure I live, period. I refuse to go down.

Liam guides me out of the room. I try my hardest not scream out in pain, and I just let tears escape my eyes. I let the tears fall silently. I know I shouldn’t be crying, but every time I move it feel’s like a knife is being stabbed into me. I can barely move as it is. He holds my waist with a gentle but firm grip as I wrap my arm around his shoulder loosely. I am sort of hopping on one foot because if I had a choice I wouldn’t be walking. If I had a choice Liam would be carrying me right now because I can barely even walk. But since I don’t have as much of a choice, I am walking, but only on one foot. It still hurts though, a lot.

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