Chapter Twenty

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The boys have just left my place. Cali is staying here for a while. We are in my closet, the hunting part of it. The room is very tall and kind of big. I have symbols all over the walls so no supernatural thing can get in here. One wall is covered in guns, and another wall is covered in knifes. The walls are metal. One wall has papers and other hunting things. Then there is a shelf with books on it and bottles of holy water and many other things. I have tables there which are covered in books. I even have a desk in there. I usually study in here. I feel safest in here. I know I have all of my hunting things here, so I am more prepared to fight back.

I am just checking out my guns and knives and other hunting material. Cali sits on a chair looking at a book about demons. I hear her gasp every now and then, probably horrified from some of the pictures in there. I was at first when I looked in it. I had nightmares about it for two days. I shudder at the memory. I begin to clean out a gun while she continues to search through the book. I sit down on a chair next to her while I clean.

“Hey Alexis, what is this symbol?” she asks me. She showed me the page. It had a picture of a circle with a weird symbol on the inside and a bunch of other symbols on the outside of the circle.

“Oh that’s a Sigil. It makes angels disappear from an area for a temporary amount of time. They can still find you. It has to be done in human blood.” I explain. Her eyes widen when I mention human blood. She shivers uncomfortably. She turns the page and continues to search through pages as I clean out guns and work on my knives and all my other things. I get bored so I take a look at the symbols on my walls and floor and symbol. They’re drying up a bit. I decide to repaint them. I grab some paint and start to repaint them. When I’m done Cali and I close the door and we sit on my bed. Cali still has the book. She examines while I fix my hair.

“Alexis, I’m worried about Harry.” Cali tells me. I sigh and turn to face her. All the happiness is gone from her face.

“I know. I am too. He hasn’t been the same since he was possessed. But you seem fine and you were possessed. Well, if you aren’t fine, then I should probably say you’re handling this better than Harry.” I say. She nods.

“But I know about demons. I know I was possessed. Harry doesn’t know about demons. He doesn’t know that he was possessed. He’s having nightmares. I’m scared for him. What if he gets killed? What if he gets hurt? If he got killed I would…” 

“Cali, I promise. I won’t let him die. We won’t let him die! He and the boys will live, just like how I’m making sure Louis will live.” I interrupt. I will not let any of the boy’s die. I will make sure that they live, even if Louis and I break up, and if Harry and Cali break up. I will always make sure that they live, because even if we hate them if we break up, the fans will still love them and we can’t have any of them die. If they do, One Direction will probably break up and the fans will be heart broken. I don’t want to disappoint any of the wonderful fans.

“But he’s starting to remember everything that happened to him when he was possessed?” she asks worried. I think about it.

“I don’t know.” I answer. I look down at the ground and sigh. “Cali, you need to help Harry.” I say to her. I look up at her and she is giving me a surprised look.

“What? I can’t. I don’t know anything.” She whines.

“Cali, the only one who I think Harry needs right now is you. He loves you and you need to help him through this. Yes, I will help occasionally, but you need to start comforting him. He might get more nightmares. You need to be his shoulder to cry on.” I instruct her.

“But what about his band mates?” she whines.

“They are really clueless about what happened. You know what’s out there and you know more about what really happened to Harry then Harry does. You are going to have to help him. Please.” I plead. She groans and rolls her eyes.

Run From the Demons (Supernatural/One Direction crossover)Where stories live. Discover now