Chapter Fourteen

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I sit downstairs, staring at my bowl of cereal. I’ve barely eaten it and it’s been five minutes. I’m wearing gray sweat pants and a white T-shirt. My hair is in a messy bun. Cali is laying on the couch. Everyone is down here but Harry. Where is he? I haven’t seen him since last night. I can tell Cali is worried too. After I finally finish my breakfast, I go get changed. I put on pink track pants, a pink and white shirt, a black sweater, and I put my hair in a ponytail. I wear a hat that says GIRL NYC. I switch the case on my iPhone to one that has a black background and says “KEEP CALM AND GET YOUR SWAG ON”. I wear my black Ugg boots. I wear no makeup what so ever. Not even lip-gloss. I sit next to Cali and check out my twitter on my phone. There’s the usual hate, but then there are a bunch of messages wishing my mom and me well. Aww, they’re so sweet. I decide to tweet a thank you.

“Thank you to everyone who wished my mom and me well. I hope she gets better soon too.” I write and hit send. I put my phone away and notice Cali playing with her fingers. She’s probably thinking about Harry.

“I’m sure he’ll be down soon. He’s probably just sleeping in. She nods and we watch TV together for two hours. After that, the boys start to get worried too. 

“Okay, Harry doesn’t need this much sleep.” Liam states finally.

“I’ll go wake him up.” Louis says, and runs upstairs. Two minutes later he comes down with a worried expression. “He’s not there.” He says. Cali starts to panic.

“Guys, calm down.” I say, but it doesn’t work. Even I start to panic. Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I look at see that Harry is calling me. “Guys, be quiet. It’s Harry!” I say, and the all stop talking. I answer the phone. “Harry?”

“Hi, Alexis?” he asks.

“Yeah, it’s me. Where are you?” I ask him. I hear him breathing heavily.

“I don’t know!” he exclaims.

“What?” I ask.

“I have no idea where I am and I’m scared.” He starts to panic.

“Woah, woah, woah. Harry, calm down. We’ll find you. There’s a tracking app we can use. Just stay put.” I instruct him reassuringly. 

“Okay. Hurry!” he cries.

“Okay. Just stay put. We’ll see you soon. Good bye.” I hang up. Everyone stares at me.

“Well, what did he say?” Louis asks.

“He said he doesn’t know where he is. But I have a tracking app, so I can find him easily. Just hold on.” I explain. I go to the app and type Harry’s number in it. Than it gives me coordinates to where he is. I show them and we get in and drive off. He’s all the way in Lawrence, which isn’t too bad of a drive. It’s only about an hour. Louis and Cali sit in the front. I sit next to Zayn, and Liam and Niall sit in the back of the van.


We’re just pulling into the address the phone gave me when I searched up Harry. We’re at a motel. Weird. We walk in and ask the counter person where Harry is. We show him a picture and he tells us the room he is in. We thank him and walk down hall until we find a door with his room number on it. I knock on it lightly.

Run From the Demons (Supernatural/One Direction crossover)Where stories live. Discover now