Chapter Twenty Seven

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We all stared at the boy wide-eyed. The boy that used to be Louis. It is Louis, but it’s just Louis’ body. A demon is controlling him. Louis is probably unaware of what’s going on right now. Oh Louis, please fight it. Fight the demon. He stares at us, anger flashing on his face; his eyes replaced with black ones. Poor Louis.

“Louis, what the hell?” Zayn exclaims.

“I said shut up!” Louis growls, moving the gun over to Zayn. His eyes widen and he backs away.

Harry swallows hard before asking, “Louis, your eyes, they’re…” he trails off.

“Black.” Louis answers. Harry nods. Louis smirks, pointing the gun at him. His eyes turn blue again, but you can still tell he’s possessed. Demons can make their eyes go black or whatever color the person’s eyes were originally. He keeps the evil smirk on his face. “Ah, Harry. Haven’t seen you in a while. How’s it been?” Louis says. Harry’s eyes widen and I swear I can see a tear form in his eyes. Fear scrawls across his face.

“What’s wrong with you Louis?” Niall asks. Louis loses the smirk and points the gun at Niall.

“Quiet you cunt or I’ll shoot you in the freaking head!” Louis spits. Niall nods and backs away. Louis smiles and points his gun at me again. “Alexis, my, how the tables have turned.” He coos. I roll my eyes. 

“Yeah, whatever, I’ll get you out of there.” I say. He chuckles darkly.

“Oh, I don’t think so. You see, you try to hurt me,” he pauses and grabs my wrist. He puts me in a headlock. Everyone stares at me, keeping their guns and knifes ready. I’m glad now that Cali has a duffel bag. He points the gun at my head. I immediately freeze up. I could die any second. “I’ll kill her.” He says. I can hear the smile in his voice. Right now, I just want to stab him in the head. But then Louis would be dead, and I love him too much. Cali points the gun up at Louis but Louis stops her. “Oh, I wouldn’t do that. If you shoot me, then you’ll shoot Alexis.” He says. “Plus, I won’t let you.” He says. We all look at him confused. 

Suddenly, Louis’ eyes turn black again and he looks at Zayn, who starts to groan loudly. He clutches his chest and lets a loud groan escape his lips. We all look at him. He leans against the wall. He starts to slide down it and he screams. He falls on his hands and knees. Blood starts to come out of his chest and mouth. I scream. We all start to scream. The boy’s and Cali crowd around Zayn. Louis smirks and starts to drag me off. I kick and scream.

“STOP IT! PLEASE! DON’T HURT ZAYN!” I scream. I can hear Zayn scream in the background.

“Fine.” Louis mutters. I hear a loud bang. I look up at Louis, who still has black eyes and the gun pointed at me. He lifts it up and hits me in the back of the head with it.

I start to get dizzy. I pass out as I feel my body being dragged down a hall.

Cali’s P.O.V

I looked at Louis confused. What did he mean he won’t let us? What does he mean by that?

Suddenly a low groan escapes Zayn, then a loud one. I turn around and see him on his hands and knees. Blood us flowing out of him from different places, including his mouth. He screams in pain. I hear scraping and look behind me to see Louis dragging Alexis off.

“Alexis!” I shout. They don’t hear us. They turn a corner and they’re out of sight. 

Zayn stops screaming and I turn around. He just coughs a little. He wipes his mouth resulting in his hand being covered in his blood. His clothes and mouth are covered in it. He groans and gets up slowly, holding onto the wall for balance. He whimpers and limps. Niall walks over to him and helps Zayn stand.

Run From the Demons (Supernatural/One Direction crossover)Where stories live. Discover now