Chapter 4.1

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"Good morning, Class B. Now that rollcall finished, I have an important announcement to make."

Chabashira-sensei pulled out her phone and started fiddling with it. 

"There were some contents added to the special exam, as for why this late, I have no clue."

"Contents... were added?"

Yousuke seemed both confused and slightly concerned, if anything, the entire class was. 

"Since we still have enough time until the first period starts, let me stroll through this briefly."

This must mean that the contents are either long, important or both. I had a feeling as to why contents were added but I decided to listen instead.

"As you all know, 48 Werewolves will be assigned with 4 of them being in each class. Apparently, if you score in the bottom 20 with the least kills, you will be expelled. "

"Bottom 20!?" 

Hondou as well as other classmates were flabbergasted by the news. That would be approximately half of the Werewolves would be expelled. 

"Isn't that too extreme? 20 students being expelled is quite unfair to be honest with you." Kei asked sensei.

"In my opinion as well as the other teachers, we all agree it's too many expulsions on the table, however the Chairman seems to agree with the contents involved."

The Chairman? If this was Tsukishiro, it would make sense, but the chairman doesn't seem like someone who would do this. Of course, there were expulsions on the line back then, but it was much tamer compared to this.

"Moving on, a new special role has been announced. It would be called the 'Hero'.  As it suggests, it's like the Joker, but entirely opposite. The Hero's job is to help the humans win, or lose, in contrast to the Joker only helping the Werewolves win. The Hero has the ability to 'transform' to a Werewolf, so they also have Werewolf equipment.  The Hero can also 'kill' Humans as a Werewolf, so as for the way the Hero can help win, it's up to them. "

I see, so it's like a game of chess. I don't like using too much of this analogy, but the Joker and the Hero are the players while everyone else are chess pieces, eliminate as much chess pieces as you can. It's really a game between those people, and I already have a feeling of between who it is. But if anything, it seems like Nagumo only did this last minute to try and throw me and others off. This is definitely important information, yet he waited until this time period to tell us.

"As for when the actual timeframe the Werewolves can 'kill', it would be from 12 AM to 6 AM."

"Only 6 hours..." 

Horikita and other classmates didn't seem to like this, it would be they had to be constantly looking for Humans, much like the island exam. Except you will have to be smart on when to attack and how many. 

"Sensei, if I may. Isn't this slightly flawed. The Werewolves would have to be up practically the entire night searching for Humans to eliminate. Won't that disrupt their mental state and give sleep deprivation? It could go as far as Insomnia or other mental illnesses, even an effect on their physical condition." Horikita explained.

"The school has acknowledged that, so class will start at 1 PM and end at 5 PM. "

That would theoretically only leave 6 hours for them to sleep.  Since the demographic age in this school is 16 - 18 years old, they would need 8 to 10 hours of sleep. Barely enough, that is if they go to sleep again at 6 PM and wake up at 10 PM.

"But don't we have the Second Semester final exams before winter vacation?" Horikita pressed on.

"The Second Semester final exams will be on the last day of the Divided Exam, so technically speaking, you have 19 days and then 1 day dedicated to the Second Semester final exams."

"My apologies, but that's not exactly answering the question. We wouldn't have time to study for the exam."

"Horikita, look at the bigger picture more closely."

"The bigger picture?"

Horikita closes her eyes, indicating she was thinking. A couple of seconds passed before she opened her eyes again.

"I was being too foolish, the time between 1 PM and 5 PM are dedicated to studying for the Second Semester written exams, correct? It would be too cluttered if we had all of the classes buddled up in 4 hours."

"I knew you would figure it out." Chabashira smiled a bit before putting her phone down, and then puts on a serious face.

"Now, I'm indeed proud of this class's hard work from your first year here, however, do not underestimate this exam. Expulsions are on the table and the four of you can very well be expelled.  I'm sure this class knows this, especially you Hirata."

Yousuke nodded his head in agreement, he will still try to limit the number of expulsions if there's a way to avoid them. 

"20 students are being expelled, as for the next half, I'm not sure. But with the direction of where this school is going, it could very well happen. 20 students expelled in a single special exam, let alone in a year is a record breaking past 17 students being expelled in the 3rd year. While the expulsion will be to all years, there might be a possibility that all 20 students can be expelled in the 2nd year. I'm letting you know it would be best that, even if you are a human in this exam, to hope that these 4 Werewolves will be in the top 28. For the 4 Werewolves being assigned in this very room, please do your best to eliminate as many as possible. That's all I have to say, the first-class period will be starting now."

With that, the class started. This will practically be the last time we would actually be learning the lessons before the exam started, so everyone was focused. 

After the first-class period ended, the class went to its normal atmosphere, of course with the anxiety still lurking in the air.

I stood up from my seat and went to Horikita.

"W-what is it that you need?" She said as I was only a couple of feet away from her. Was she still somewhat embarrassed from our last time talking? She stood up from her seat and looked towards me.

"May I talk to you outside the classroom? It'll be quick." I said.

"Conveniently, I was planning to talk to you too. Please make it brief as you said." 

We both walked towards the door, once we exited the classroom, Horikita started talking.

"What is it?"

"About the special exam, were you not informed of this beforehand?"

"No, I was not informed. That's exactly what I wanted to tell you."

Interesting, is it perhaps Nagumo doesn't usually tell the student council what the special exam is about? Or was it directly for Horikita only so she couldn't tell me about the special exam beforehand. That would've given me a huge advantage over the "bet" I made with Nagumo, so it seems like Nagumo planned of this way earlier and thoroughly than I expected.

"Was Ichinose informed as this as well?"

"Unfortunately, not. I talked to her yesterday and she too, did not knew the contents of the exam beforehand."

"I see, how come they didn't tell you two specifically?"

"Perhaps to prohibit cheating?"

"I suppose that makes some sense."

Whether or not Nagumo told Kiriyama and other council members was up to debate. I can't directly ask Nagumo and Kiriyama would likely say no.

"That's all the information I need."

"I see, let's enter back in class then."

We both entered the classroom, as I looked at the time, there was only 2 minutes left before the next class-period starts.

"At least the conversation wasn't too long." I said to myself as I quietly observed others talking with each other.


Word Count: 1300 Words

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