Chapter 4.5

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9:00 PM.

The exam has officially started, they've sent us an email to all of us restating the rules and for good luck for all classes. However, it wouldn't be until 12 AM when the true madness will unfold itself.

I'm currently walking to Class 2-D. Horikita wants me there, so I guess she wants to talk about what we'll do for the exam, so I entered the classroom.

However, I was met with something I didn't quite expect.

"Ayanokouji? You're here too?"

For some reason Ike, no, basically the entire class except Koenji was here. Seeing everyone, Horikita started talking.

"I'm sorry everyone for the confusion. I should've edited my text and say 'everyone' instead of 'you'. In any case, the exam has officially started. So of course, I would like everyone to-"


"Check their phones. Your roles have been sent."

As instructed, everyone including myself checked their phones.

"That's interesting." It seems like my role is quite surprising. As I thought of that, I fiddled with my phone a bit. After that, I checked some other things on my phone that I missed, It seems like some 3rd-years are hosting something in Keyaki Mall.

"It appears everyone also has brought their watches, good. For anyone who is a werewolf, please raise your phone so I can see."

The following people raised their phone, those were Miyake, Kei, Onodera and Ike.

"Good, I'm sure you four know what to do, correct?"

The four of them nodded, it seems like things will go smoothly.

"As for the rest of you, use your roles the best you can. If anything, you all also know what to do since my announcement a few hours ago, right?"

"Yup!" They all said.

Wait, announcement?

"That is all, if you have any questions or worries, please feel free to contact me. As for the werewolves, it's best to stay human until 12 AM. You all can leave now."

With that, everyone left one by one. I for which, stayed until everyone left.

"Why are you staying here, Ayanokouji-kun?"

"What announcement?"

"Ugh, that? Is that why you stayed here? Delusional."

"I just asked for a question just like you said, which is why I'm contacting you right now in person."

"Whatever, whatever. The announcement doesn't concern you. I'm planning on doing things on my own. I'll ask for assistance when I need it, okay?"

Although I still wanted information on what announcement she was talking about, I nodded and bid Horikita a good night-



"What role are you?"

Oh, my role. I figured she would ask this but oh well.

I took out my phone and fiddled with it so I can fine my role.

"Here, this is my role." I said as I showed her.

"A resident, huh? Interesting, I'm an Detective."

"It fits your description."

I received a light jab to my shoulder when I said this.

"You being a Resident fit as well since you also want to stay in the background."

"I guess you have a bit of a point. Well, I'm going, good night. That is if you're going to sleep at all."

"I am. However, I'll be waking up around 11:30 PM to go and locate the Werewolves."

"You're wondering around alone at night, when the special exam is taking place?"

"Of course not! I'm going with some Class-D students. I'll be taking my leave, good night."

With that she left the classroom, I too left and headed straight to the dorms.

Well, that was my original plan.


Word Count: 551 Words

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