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A few hours passed. It got darker outside and you're now preparing to go to the game for the executives to evaluate your potential. There was about 2 hours left until you have to go to the game. You heard a knock on your door and went to answer it. You opened the door to see a tall woman with dreads, a fake cigarette in her mouth and a bright smile. She was almost as tall as you.

"Hey! Is this Y/N?" The tall woman asked, waving at you.

"Yes, this is Y/N. And you are?" You answered her with a voice full of boredom as you stared at her with your condescending eyes.

She sweat dropped before opening her mouth to introduce herself. "..Ah, I'm Kuina. Hikari Kuina. Umm, Chishiya sent me to get to know you before our game together!" She stumbled over her words and bowed her head slightly to you as she smiled widely.

So that's Kuina. She's a beautiful woman. Her dreads matched her face perfectly and her lips were painted with red lipstick. She looks like a really cheery, trustworthy and nice person. Your eyes softened as you let her in your room.

"Hey, how did you meet Chishiya? That guy's known to not speak to anybody, let alone have friends...and I seriously thought I would be his only friend forever! I never even knew he could make friends!" Kuina exclaimed as she took a seat on your bed.

"Please don't label Chishiya and I as friends. We only made a deal to not let each other die, so think of us as allies..but not friends," you replied to her as you opened your drawers to organize your stuff.

You think friends and attachments are useless in a world like this. You never know when they could die, when they could leave you for better people. It just sounded ridiculous to you, especially because you're not looking for even more depressing things when you're already rotting in this shithole.

"Now I see why he approached you," Kuina nervously laughed. You shot her a confused stare, indicating for her to elaborate.

"Oh, what I mean is, he also thinks friendships are useless because we live in a damned world like this one. I mean, I'm self aware that he would feed me to coyotes in order for him to survive so, yeah that's reasonable."

You hummed in response. You only just now realized how similar both of you are. Your thoughts are the same, your emotions are the same. Chishiya is really, really interesting. You have never met anyone similar to you in your whole life. You were always judged for your insensitivity and your unbothered personality, which gave you a bad reputation in your school so nobody would ever talk to you.

"I guess him and I are alike then, huh?" You huffed, smirking as you leaned onto the wall, noticing there's 20 minutes left.

"You definitely are," she chuckled, "Let's go, Chishiya's probably waiting." Kuina said, getting up and smiling brightly. You nodded and quickly took your bag with you and followed her.

You arrived outside in front of a few cars as you waited for yours to arrive. You spotted Chishiya and gave him a lazy wave as you headed over to him.

"You're wearing heels to another game?" Chishiya asked as he stared at your black heels. You looked at him with rested eyes and smiled sarcastically.

"I like being fashionable." You said, smiling as you tilted your head in the slightest, winking at him playfully. You looked over to see Ann hurriedly walking towards you and Kuina.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now