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The killing spree has just begun. In a matter of time, almost everyone would be wiped out from this game, going from 20 players to around 5 in the end. And Urumi would be the cause of all the killing. You had to say, you'd give her an award if you could, because she was truly going to be the 'life of the party' here.

Making your way to the cafeteria, all you took was a lollipop and a water bottle before you sat next to Chishiya. Though you weren't exactly sitting with Urumi's group, you could still hear them and what they were talking about. Urumi wanted to kill the girl in the yellow shirt, and you were quite disappointed because that girl was very loyal and respectful. Such a shame.

"You don't seem to have a big appetite," Chishiya said, staring at only your lollipop and water as he took a few bites out of his cookies.

"And you seem to be obsessed with those cookies of yours," you retorted, rolling your eyes. You earned a light chuckle in return.

"Ah.. I dont trust that group.." Ippei leaned close to you in order to whisper, which made Chishiya take your arm in a tight yet comforting grip. You stared at him in confusion before looking back at Ippei.

"I don't trust them either. You're still free to let them tell you your symbol, but just know we'd never lie to you." You gave him a thumbs up, to which he smiled cheerfully at in return.

But you all still went to the group to check your symbols to not seem like you are 'traitors' of the group. Awkwardly, Ippei approached the group and spoke in a low tone. "Please do mine."

"Your mark is a Diamond." "Yes, Diamond." "Diamond." Everyone agreed, to which Ippei forced a small smile to thank them. "Thank you very much."

He waddled back to you and looked at you with somewhat pleading eyes. You nodded, motioning him to turn around to which he did.

"Diamond," Chishiya said for you, making you slowly turn to him with a deadpan look on your face. You blinked twice before opening your mouth.

"Why do you always cut me off when I'm about to tell him his symbol?" You asked in a low voice, whispering to him to not make anyone suspicious of you.

He hummed, munching on his cookies with each corner of his lips curled upwards into a smug smile. He totally ignored your question, but you knew he heard it, judging from the way he was smiling. You clicked your tongue and harshly nudged his arm, which made him smile wider. Ippei was staring at you with a quizzical look before you quickly smiled at him.

"Yeah, your mark is—"


"You make me want to lie to you and get your head blown off," you hissed at Chishiya who 'innocently' munched on his cookies.

"But yes, he's right. You're a Diamond," you responded, smiling at him.

"Oh," Ippei said, smiling brightly, "thank you!"

The girl in the yellow shirt started speaking to her group. "Ah..Could you do mine next, please?"

She turned around and brushed away her hair, making Urumi lean towards the back of her collar. "It looks like your symbol is a Club!" As everyone else agreed, Ippei's face was washed in guilt and sadness as he stared at the back of the girl's collar which had a Heart instead of a Club. He looked down and sat next to you, sighing deeply. You noticed how bummed he looked and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be over soon. Don't think too much about it. As long as you're living, then everything's all right."

Frowning, he nodded slowly, letting you pat his shoulder soothingly. Chishiya noticed this and tightened his grip on your arm, making you turn towards him and whisper to him, "what's your problem?"

"Don't like you speaking to him like that," he responded dryly, going closer to you.

You smiled sarcastically. "What? Jealous?"


You blinked twice, baffled by his response before regaining your composure and turning him around. "Heart."

He nodded before also turning you around and leaning towards your neck. "Club."

"You always lean so close when you do that," you rolled your eyes, to which he smirked at.


You hummed and got up to head towards the solitary confinement cells. You opened to door to a random cell and entered, seeing those familiar white walls enrobe your vision. The door shut on its own before a buzz could be heard throughout every single cell.



Seconds later, you heard a faint explosion from another cell, which was surely the polite girl in the yellow shirt. You waited for the countdown to count to zero, and when it did, the door clicked and unlocked itself for you. You stepped out and met up with Chishiya and Ippei again, walking to the central guardroom and staring at the board where the girl's picture faded out.


You yawned and headed to the cafeteria with Chishiya and Ippei. You went to the snack section to stuff as many snacks and water bottles as you can into your bag and ran into the emo guy with bangs and the fidgety girl that would always stick by the man in a suit. You looked at their snacks and smiled sarcastically at them before stuffing snacks and water bottles into your bag. The emo guy with bangs had his eyes widened and the girl just immediately walked away in a nervous and fast pace.

As you finished stuffing snacks (mostly Chishiya's cookies) and water bottles in your bag, you turned to the emo guy. "That's a nice strategy, Enji."

You smiled and walked away, leaving him absolutely flabbergasted. You went to Chishiya and Ippei, sitting down next to them. All you had was water, and again, Chishiya had his signature cookies in his hand while Ippei had a chocolate bar. While everyone was telling each other their symbols, you tapped Chishiya's arm to which he hummed at.

You pointed at Enji. "That guy seems to be interacting discreetly with Kotoko."

He raised a brow, interested in what you were trying to say.

"Haven't you noticed the amount of times they took a snack in the same time? They look at each other for a brief second and sometimes they nod at each other briefly."

His mouth formed an O shape, understanding what you're saying. He nodded and hummed, biting down on his cookies.

"That's smart, hm?" You hummed, smiling as your eyes bored into Enji's skull. "That's exactly what a Jack of Hearts would do~."

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now