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Nobody could be trusted. And this game proves it. Even if you were to enter this game with your closest friends, they would still be able to lie to you at any time. You didn't trust Urumi's group one bit, especially because they could agree to kill you off at any time. They already agreed to kill that coward off because he lied to the bald guy, but it wasn't exactly his fault. You couldn't make out what Banda said to him— but you were certain that he told him to lie. That way, the game — and the killing spree, would really begin.

You made your way to the cafeteria because Urumi's group suggested you, Ippei and Chishiya to come. Chishiya took some cookies and sat down next to you. Ippei was standing up, waiting for his turn to be told his symbol.

"Okay~, who should go first?" Urumi asked.

"Oh.. May I?" A man with glasses and a white shirt asked, bowing 90 degrees. Everyone nodded.

"Oh, it looks like your symbol's a Heart," Urumi said, followed by agreements. "Heart, yes." "Yes. It is a Heart.", and so on.

"I'll go next, okay?" She said, again, not taking no for an answer. "Please give me the right answer." She smiled and uncovered the hair that covered the back of her collar, revealing a Diamond.

"Oh, miss Urumi, yours is a Diamond," the coward spoke, followed by agreements.

"You're next," She smiled, pointing at the coward who immediately nodded with a smile that spread across his face and turned to reveal the back of his collar.

"It looks like your mark is a Spade," Urumi said, leaning in close. She had some sort of unbothered smile that spread cross her face, as if she didn't care that she was going to be the cause of his neck exploding. Reluctantly, the group agreed.

"Thank you very much," he said, smiling. His hair was quite damp due to the sweat that was caused by nervousness and stress.

The group exchanged uncomfortable smiles with him and bowed slightly, acting as if they didn't just lie to him. Ippei wanted to say something, but knew he couldn't because the game needed to start now or else nobody would be able to leave this prison.

You groaned, unbothered and laid down on the beach, resting your head on Chishiya's lap. There was a silence that followed— a loud silence, occasionally interrupted by Chishiya biting down on his cookies. He hummed, noticing that you didn't have any snacks and offered you one of his cookies. You accepted it and popped it into your mouth. Surprisingly, it tasted good. Ippei decided to sit down on the bench next to you as well, and you moved your legs for a second before placing them on his lap. He muttered a small 'oh', before looking at you and smiling. He didn't seem to mind and remained sat down with your legs resting on his lap.

You let out a sigh, but it had no emotion behind it. You turned to lay on your back, crossing your arms.

"What's wrong?" Chishiya asked, still munching down on his cookies.

You shook your head. "Nothing. Just waiting for the fun to begin."

He hummed, not knowing what to say, so he just offered you another cookie, to which you accepted before getting up and staring at Ippei's symbol. "Ippei," you said, tapping his shoulder, "your symbol's a—"

"Spade," Chishiya replied, cutting you off. What was his deal? Whenever you tried telling him his symbol, Chishiya would always come in and cut you off. You furrowed your brows at him, to which he smirked in response. Seriously, he gave you mixed signals.

"Thank you very much!" Ippei said, smiling. You smiled back at him and gave him a thumbs-up.

Chishiya turned you around and brushed your hair aside to reveal your symbol to him. "Diamond."

Again, his breath tickled your ear. "Damn, do you have to lean in so close to tell me that?" You fought back the slight blush that wanted to appear on your face.

He hummed and gave you a cheeky smirk before turning around. You brushed his hair aside, leaning close to the back of his neck. "Club."

For a second, he tensed up upon feeling your breath hit his neck, but you didn't notice.


You hummed and got up, dusting yourself off. Ippei looked at you and he smiled at you again. You couldn't help but get the feeling of wanting to hug him. You smiled back and gave him a thumbs up before you all headed to a random cell. You entered your cell, seeing the while walls enrobe everything as the door shut on its own.



A ring followed after the countdown went to zero, and the door behind you clicked open. You heard an explosion, to which you paid no mind to. As long at it wasn't you, Chishiya or Ippei, then all is good. You exit your cell and met up with Chishiya and Ippei. As of now, Urumi's group never lied to you, Chishiya or Ippei. You figured that you weren't 'suspicious' enough to them.

Gathering in the central guardroom, the coward's picture faded out, indicating that he died— as expected.


Immediately, Urumi's group started speaking amongst themselves.

"What? I don't get it.." "So he wasn't the Jack after all." They all looked at each other with anxiety and stress, knowing they killed off an almost innocent guy.

Chishiya hummed. "People are starting to get nervous," he said, "except that people are starting to die. Despite the unlimited time, I'm not sure we'll find the Jack at all."

Your lips curled upwards into some sort of a sly smile as you started at the emo guy with bangs and then at the fidgety girl who was always near the man with the suit and you hummed.

"Or maybe we will.."

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