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Is it redemption or forgiveness that you truly wish for? After all, destiny's judgement is inevitable. Though neither one of those will grant justice or peace. They are merely the beginning of a new cycle, as the actions will repeat once again, even unconsciously. In the end, there is nothing that will unveil the pure and absolute truth, as much as there is nothing that will uncover pure deception.

Your mind was still stuck on wether to go with Arisu or not. Flames were everywhere as a result from the explosion of the blimp and of the huge explosion from the abandoned shop. You heard multiple footsteps approach you, which made you slightly panic. There was nothing to defend yourself with, except some broken glass from the car windows.

"Come on, I'll help you," you heard a familiar voice say from a distance.

You immediately looked up from the ground to see Arisu talking to Usagi, who seemed to be injured. You looked around for a few seconds, but Kuina was nowhere to be seen.

"Arisu," you tried saying in a slightly loud tone but it only made your wounds ache, resulting in a grunt from you.

He whipped his head around to find the source of your voice and immediately looked towards you. "Y/N! Chishiya! Are you alright?!"

He walked towards you whilst supporting Usagi, who could barely stand still.

You smiled let out a scoff when you realized that he didn't bother to mention Niragi. "What do you think? I just suffered around three bullet wounds."

Chishiya scoffed to your response, earning a snicker from you.

"That's true.." He muttered and scratched the back of his neck, "but you seem to be doing just fine. Plus, you're laughing."

"Yeah." You hummed. "That's because they only ache, and it's not some sort of slight pang of pain, if that makes sense."

"But you're still bleeding.." Arisu pointed out with a nervous smile.

"Oh wow, I didn't notice. Thanks." You rolled your eyes and looked over to Usagi. "What happened?"

"We were fighting the King of Spades.." Usagi choked out, breathless. She seemed to be in some sort of daze as she was unable to finish her sentence.

"She got stabbed repetitively on the leg. Luckily she's still alive, but her wounds are still really bad." Arisu finished her sentence for her.

You nodded and looked at the blood soaked bandage on her leg. "..And the others?"

You were hesitant on asking that question, but you couldn't help it. You needed to know, but you were still praying that they were doing good— or if they were at least alive. Though your heart crumbled to pieces once you saw that Arisu's facial expression contorted to that of guilt and sorrow; his lips pursed and his brows furrowed, turning his face to the side.

"So, they're dead?", you asked, even though you knew the painfully obvious answer.

All he did was nod. "I'm sorry," was all he managed to say.

"..It's not your fault," you sighed, "I'm glad you at least ended up defeating the King of Spades."

He nodded with the same look of guilt in his eyes. "Their efforts will not be in vain. We'll defeat the true mastermind and end this, once and for all."

"Yeah," you hummed, "and I'm coming with."

"What?!" Arisu was baffled by your sudden demand to coming with him to the Queen of Hearts game, "there's no way! You're still injured, who knows what we'll have to do in that game!"

"He's right," Chishiya chimed in, "what if you'll have to start fighting him? And in that condition, I don't think you'd win. Even if you're really strong."

"Kiss my ass for me, would you?" You clicked your tongue. "I'm visibly feeling great. I've got nothing to lose."

"I'm not letting you go. Right now, you have very low chances of dying. If you enter that game, who knows what will be waiting for you? Probably your own death." Chishiya responded with no emotion present in his voice and gently pulled you by the waist.

"Yeah, true, but you can't guarantee their survival either." You deadpanned.

"Yeah, true, but—"

"Enough," Arisu cut off Chishiya, "you're not going, Y/N. You're still in a critical state."

Your kstare was reduced into a glare. Not because you were angry— but because you were in a deep thought, thinking of all the possibilities that could happen during your absence at the Queen of Hearts game. In the end, you removed the gentle yet tight grasp that Chishiya had on you and got up.

"I'm going. I don't care what you say." You said, not caring if the wound ached more. "See? It's not hard to stand up. I'll be fine."

"We don't have much time, Y/N," Arisu argued, "just sit back. Please. Me and Usagi can clear it together."

You frowned, "No. I'm coming with."

"Stop arguing, Y/N," Chishiya took your hand.

You clicked your tongue and sat back down, feeling hopeless. "Fine.. but if you die, we— no, I can't do anything about it."

"Yeah, of course," Arisu smiled, "trust me, we won't die. For the sake of everyone."

All you did was nod and stare at them as they walked towards the huge building that the Queen of Hearts' blimp towered over. You sighed, watching as they slowly entered the building and disappeared from your sight.

"They'll be fine, Y/N. Don't worry so much," Chishiya tried reassuring you, to little avail.

"Yeah," Niragi chimed in, "this is pretty unlike you to be worrying to much about others."

"What?" You scoffed. "You're not worrying about your own escape?"

"Not really." Niragi answered.

"Just shows how fucked up you already are, then." You hissed at him.

You sighed, laying your head on Chishiya's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, he even held your hand and rested the side of his head against your head. And let out a brief sigh. It was barely a puff of air out his nose, but you could tell that he was thinking a few things.

"What are you thinking about?", you asked him, not making eye contact.

A hum. "Just thinking about people."

You let out an understanding hum in response, not daring to pry.

"Let's just hope they finish the game safely.. or alive, even." You sighed.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now