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Seeing the words "NEXT STAGE" appear on the tall building gave you some sort of adrenaline rush that coursed throughout your body. You couldn't help but wonder how hard the games would be. You didn't care if you died, all you wanted was to do something in your life for once. You never felt too excited to do anything, but now that you know that you finally have a purpose to live and survive in this world, you were ready to fight. Knowing how manipulative he is, you can't help but wonder how long until he decides to betray you. But even with these thoughts, you can't bring yourself to distance away from him. He was just a Sudden Interest.

"Y/N," you heard a faint voice call you, "wake up."

Your eyes fluttered open, and you realized you were in an apartment. You sprung up and looked around, suspecting you might have been kidnapped. You scanned the room you were in and noticed how clean and white it was.

Kuina entered the room and you let out a small sigh of relief.

"Hey! You fainted when we were facing that huge building," she said, "so Chishiya took you to his apartment. How are you feeling now?"

You blinked twice in confusion. You really weren't feeling tired at that time, so how could you faint?

"I don't remember fainting. It just felt like I was asleep. I don't feel tired at all," you replied, looking at your hands.

Chishiya walked through the door and leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms as he gave you a lazy wave.

You got up from your bed and fixed your hair, then put your heels.

"Should we start heading back there?" You asked. "I'm guessing it might be almost noon."

Chishiya nodded and removed himself from the doorframe. Kuina walked towards the door and stopped behind you, letting you go first.

"Since that king of spades airship was there," you started, walking down to the entrance with them, "will we be playing a spades game? I mean, it's the most logical thing, but I'm still wondering."

Chishiya nodded. "I think so," he replied before looking at your feet. "..You should change those."

You grabbed his chin and lifted his head back up, removing his gaze from your feet. "I'm not going somewhere without my heels. They are my prized possession."

Chishiya smirked in response.

The rest of the walk was silent. As you looked around, you couldn't help but notice that moss and plants have taken over some buildings. Now, vegetation was more presence than actual living beings and its spreading around fast. Time seems to go by fast in this world.

Finally, you were now facing the huge building. You figured it was noon, because it said "NEXT STAGE START" on the building. You saw Arisu and Usagi who were already there.

"None of the games have started yet," Arisu said.

"Maybe we still have time," Usagi replied.

"Or they forgot to push the big red button," Chishiya said sarcastically, earning a small scoff from you.

Kuina sat down on the ground. "They didn't even tell us the rules for this one."

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now