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Hi everyone, sorry for inactivity, my cat got a UTI and plus I need to study hard.
There is an A/N at the end of the chapter; please take your time to read and answer. 🙏💕💕

You wandered around aimlessly, not even trying to search for a game. You had 2 day left on your visa, so you wanted to take a break for once. You didn't know when the king of Spades would show up, that's why you locked yourself in an apartment for at least until you know that he wouldn't be around. You had to search for food and water to survive in this world full of chaos. But will you really make it out alive, knowing that you will worry over Chishiya for the whole time? Will you even meet up again with him?

"Ah," you sighed, placing your book down, "what should I do now?"

You were bored out of your mind, and all you could do was draw and read. You've read at least 4 big novels by now and it wasn't even close to sunset. Now, you had to search for food. You didn't have much motivation to do anything except gaze at the stars when it was nighttime. As you were walking around trying to find a rabbit to kill, you heard distant gunshots. You immediately hid behind a white van, hearing slow yet heavy footsteps approach the area you were in.

You backed up even more, sticking your back to the van as you did so. Suddenly, your back collided with someone's. The both of you immediately looked at eachother in one quick turn. You were now looking at a young boy with bruises and injuries all over him. His breath hitched and he immediately held a gun up to your face.

He opened his mouth to speak but you immediately took the gun from his hand and put your hand over his mouth, getting behind him and holding him close to you.

"Shut up," you whispered, "if we die, it's going to be your fault."

He stood silent and his eyes grew slightly wide. You waited until the footsteps dissipated and you let him go, still holding onto his gun. You got up and dusted yourself off, making sure the coast is clear.

"So?" You said, towering over him, "who are you?"

He got up and dusted himself off before tilting his head up to look at you. "Anzu..who are you?"

His voice was slightly high pitched but he still sounded sounded masculine. As for his hair, it was nearly hiding his eyes and he had leaves and dirt all over him, as well as untreated and fresh injuries.

You looked away and started walking back to find food. You couldn't be bothered to respond to him because he didn't interest you at all.

"Hey! Wait!" He shouted, running towards you, "my gun! At least give me back my gun!"

You swiftly turned back, making him bump into your chest. You pointed the gun to his forehead with your finger on the trigger. His breath hitched and his eyes grew wide. He was looking closely at your finger to see if you were going to pull it.

You gave him a mocking smile before pulling the trigger. He shut his eyes tightly closed, instinctively putting his hands to the same level of his head and waited for impact but... nothing came. All that happened was a small click that came out of the gun once you pulled the trigger. He opened a singular eye, and that eye showed confusion. He hadn't known that his gun was out of bullets, and he put his hands down, shocked by the outcome of this.

"Check if there's ammo before trying to threaten anybody with this thing," you said in your natural tone before dropping the gun and walking away once again.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now