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His words confused you. You couldn't deny it— yes, you were in love, but knowing him, he would tease you and give you mixed signals forever. So why was he being so.. sincere? You couldn't understand him. But, even with all of this, you still couldn't leave his side. He simply caught your eye..and your heart.

Ignoring the explosions, you exit your cell and joined Ippei and Chishiya. You stood next to Chishiya once you headed towards the central guardroom. You noticed that the girl in the red shirt's picture faded, indicating that she died, but her group told her the truth of what her symbol consisted of. She didn't have enough trust in them, and probably asked some strangers for her symbol, or maybe she simply killed herself.


Ippei was pacing back and forth, stressed out by the amount of people dying every round. His breathing was heavy and his forehead had a thin veil of sweat covering it. You were standing next to Chishiya with your arms crossed as you leaned against the wall, yawning. Ippei stopped his back and forth pacing and decided to stand next to you, his head hung low.

"Why is everyone tricking each other..?" He said with a shaky voice.

You hummed, "well.. are you really surprised? This is a Hearts game, let me remind you that."

"Exactly," Chishiya hummed in agreement. "Nobody wants to be the next to die."

With each passing round, Urumi's group killed off more and more people until there was only 10 people left. 10 people seemed like quite a bunch, but in this game, it seemed more or less empty. Two or more people would die in every round. Even if there was 10 players, Urumi's group had only around 5 people in total.


You hummed. "This went by quicker than I thought. I think I lost track of the days, though."

Chishiya scoffed, his lips curled into a smirk. "I think everyone lost track of the days."

"I.. I can't do it.. I'm gonna throw up." A man in a blue shirt said, breathing heavily as his face was covered in sweat.

"Keep it together!" Urumi said, patting both of his shoulders and turning him around. "You're a club, okay? Tell me mine now." She turned around and smiled.

It took the man a few seconds to disperse himself from that nauseating feeling. "Uh.. diam—.." he cut himself off. "Dia—" he blinked a few times. "..You're a Heart." He proceeded by coughing a few times and breathing heavily.

You stared intently at Urumi's face to see that her smile was slowly fading and her aura darkened. You hummed and smiled, "she's gonna kill him off next, isn't she."

A smirk made it's way to Chishiya's lips. "How surprising," he spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Ippei," you called, making him turn to you, "you're a Spade."

"Oh," he said with a small smile, "thank you very much."

"What about mine?" You asked, turning to Chishiya. He turned you around and brushed your hair aside.

"Club," he said. You hummed and nodded, turning him around in your turn.

"You're a Heart." He nodded and hummed, acknowledging your words.

Immediately, and frantically, everyone else started to agree that Urumi had a Heart symbol. "Thank you." She said. Her aura was extremely unusual, compared to her normal one; it was darkened and her eyes were gloomy with a hint of anger and passive aggressiveness.


You unstuck yourself from the wall and walked to the confinement cells. As you opened a cell door and went inside it, you couldn't help but wonder two things; did Chishiya love you, or was he fooling you? Will you even survive this game? Looking around the white walls, you felt somewhat at peace since you were finally away from Urumi's chaotic group.


You waited for a second. "Club."

Thirty seconds passed, and the countdown counted to zero. To door clicked and unlocked itself, opening up for you. You ignored the explosions again and joined Chishiya and Ippei. Ippei seemed even more stressed out as you all listened into the conversation of Urumi's group.

"I think.. I think we should eliminate her, now.." the man in he blue shirt said with shaky breathing, "we're all in danger because of her. We can't.. keep letting that psycho do whatever she wants to us!"

"W..what?" A man and a woman said, looking at each other.


Sitting in the cafeteria, you noticed the man in the blue shirt bringing in a bunch of snacks to Urumi.

"This.. uh.. is for you," he said, bowing as he set the snacks on the table.

"Wow.~" Urumi said in a bored, disinterested tone.

You listened as she denied every single snack he listed.

"I hate cookies." "Wow, your taste is horrible." "I hate chocolate." And so on.

"..Chishiya," you called, making him turn his head towards you. A few seconds later, you met his gaze and stared at him as you spoke with a low yet somewhat serious tone.

"Did you mean all the words you said? You know.. from a few rounds ago."

He hummed, his lips curling into a smirk. "Did you not think that I was being sincere?"

You scoffed, failing to fight back the smirk that wanted to creep up onto your lips. "I can't tell. Your tone seemed sincere.. but I can't tell if you actually meant the words you said, knowing that personality of yours. So I want you to be completely honest. Do you love me?"

Your direct question caught him off guard and you noticed his eyes widening by the slightest. The smirk on his face faded slightly but he quickly regained his composure. He hummed, "...I guess I do."

Your face relaxed. For some reason, you felt relief hearing those words. "Alright then, Chishiya." Without giving eye contact, you took his hand gently, wrapping your fingers around his. "I know that loving each other in a world like this seems unnatural and weird, given the fact that we could die anytime, but I trust that you won't die on me.." you smiled, "so.."

"Let's give each other a chance."

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now