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Hii !! Skip this chapter if you wish, this only contains a very small amount important things to this story and the story to Alice in Borderland. Basically a little filler chapter. x)

As long as one doesn't do any harm to someone else, they would be considered a "good person" to the naked eye, simply because the other person won't know of the past sins that one has committed. But in the end, they end up discovering everything and soon get driven to expose everything they discovered. But, hidden behind that facade full of lies, is it a heart full of love or is it simply a broken heart hanging on it's last strings, begging to be fixed in one way or another?

You let out a sigh as you felt yourself getting taken by Chishiya's arms. "I wonder how I'm not dead by now."

Feeling your blood sleep through Chishiya's clothes, you placed a hand upon your stomach.

"I guess it's a miracle that we're not both dead yet," Chishiya responded quietly. "Who knows? Maybe Arisu and the others really will clear all the games."

You let out a soft scoff, resting in Chishiya's arms. "Well, Arisu is smart. It's just his kindheartedness— it really can get him killed."

"I agree." Chishiya hummed. "Being nice surely is a good thing, it's just the fact that it can lead him to being way too trusting in others."

From the corner of your eye, you could see Niragi shifting his position slightly, clearly listening into your conversation.

"In the end, you were the one who stole the cards, right?" Niragi suddenly asked, directing his question to Chishiya, though he wasn't quite looking at him.

"Of course. You saw me with the cards in my hands at the rooftop," Chishiya responded.

Niragi scoffed. "Of course," he mumbled.

You looked at the sky, looking at the clouds that shrouded the sky and sighed. Waiting for Arisu to clear the King of Spades game seemed like an eternity, though it was only a couple of hours. You were still bleeding, but now your wound only ached. It was weird— you were shot twice and it hasn't even been a full day of recovery, but your wounds only seemed to ache now instead of having a great pain that overtook your focus.

Your mind was still deciding wether to run back to Arisu and the others to help them— but you didn't want to leave Chishiya behind. You had great doubts on whether they could all clear the game, without any of your close ones dying. The one you worried about the most was Kuina. It's been such a long time, you wanted to reunite with her again and protect her. Though you knew how strong she was, you also knew that the King of Spades was stronger. It would be easy for him to take them all by himself unless they had a good plan devised.

For some reason, the fog and the debris seemed like they were shimmering..and your vision was blurring up. But you knew you weren't on the verge of death, so it seemed weird. You blinked twice to make sure it wasn't your vision tricking you, but nothing changed. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you gently rubbed your eyes and felt water on your hands. You removed your hands from your eyes to see a tiny and thin water coat on them, and of course, you realized that you were tearing up.

But there was no reason for you to be tearing up.  Nothing was making you angry or sad. It weirded you out; you were never the type to cry for no reason, or to cry at all. Nothing provoked you or caused you to cry. You suspected maybe the thought of Kuina made you emotional, but it would still be odd, considering the kind of person you are.

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