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You, Kuina and Chishiya were sitting away from everyone, observing as Arisu and Usagi stood awkwardly inside a crowd where multiple people danced, drank and cheered. Different colored lights flashed around the party room as the loud music blasted on the speakers. Some people were having sex on the chairs or putting on a strip show and some people were doing drugs or drinking their lives away.

You sat with Chishiya and Kuina in a corner far from everybody else as you sipped on your water, observing Arisu and Usagi. You set down your glass and wiped your hand.

"The boy is supposed to go to a game soon," you said, starting a small conversation, since their visa ends today."

Chishiya hummed. "I'm not going to a game tonight," he said, "Kuina, are you going?"

Kuina nodded. "Yeah," she hummed, "I wonder if I'll be on the same group as him."

Your conversation was interrupted by a young man shouting "It's time for the games!". Everybody raised their hands with pink and blue bracelets as they cheered loudly, jumping as their voices were louder than the music. Soon, everyone exit the room one by one to get to the main hall to hear Hatter's announcement. You three also got up to walk to the main hall.

"I don't think I need my crutch anymore," you said as you walked normally on the leg in which you got stabbed. Chishiya hummed in response, leaving it on the wall. You all walked to the main hall to listen in Hatter's announcement and to observe Arisu and Usagi from a distance.

You arrived to the main hall and leaned against the wall, Chishiya doing the same. Everybody was cheering Hatter's name and screaming when they saw him. He walked to the edge of the railing and hushed everybody as he was about to make his announcement. Soon, the people were silenced and ready to listen. It felt like he was a God among everyone. A God who was only leading them on, a God who was only using his people.

"My comrades!," Hatter shouted, "The time has come again tonight!"

"Do not falter! This is a war against fear! Everyone here has the courage to overcome these obstacles!" He shouted with pride, "Everyone here," he said, pausing for a brief second, "is now one!"

"We shall unite and gather all cards," "And return to the original world together!" He shouted.

You scoffed upon hearing the word "together". He knew damn well that he was leading on everyone for only him to leave first.

"And..." he said, pausing for a few seconds, "That day is upon us!" He shouted loudly, earning loud cheers and screams from everyone as he walked away from the balcony railing. "Let's go!"

Everyone scattered around to get to their groups to go to the games.

Kuina walked to you and Chishiya. She arrived right when Hatter finished his speech. She noticed how serious the both of you looked.

"What's the matter?" She asked, putting the fake cigarette in her mouth and crossing her arms.

"Arisu and Usagi are heading to their game now," you stated, observing the duo. Kuina followed you and Chishiya's gaze and finally stared at the two.

"Oh, those two. That's their names?" She questioned, staring at them. You nodded, keeping your gaze on them. Arisu and Usagi nodded at eachother and parted ways. Chishiya smirked as he looked away.

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