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"Hey, stop playing that tacky music!" You heard Niragi yell as he walked towards you with the other militants. You heard whispers and small chatter, people talking amongst them about Niragi.

"..It's the militants of the Beach. If you want to live peacefully at the Beach, avoid getting involved with them," Kuina whispered to Arisu and Usagi, explaining to them who the militants are. "The leader, Aguni, is an ex SDF officer, and he is in charge of all the weapons at the Beach. The ones currently in power of the Beach are the Number One, Hatter, and his devotees, as well as the militants led by Aguni."

"We've only barely managed to maintain peace and order here, but a conflict between the two parties could happen any moment," she explained and stopped talking when she saw the militants in front of her.

"What happened to your pal?" Aguni asked Arisu.

"..I see. He died. What a shame. So only the small fish survived," he said when Arisu didn't respond to him for a few seconds.

Your eyebrows raised in interest when you heard that Karube, and maybe Chota died.

"..Do you know eachother?" Kuina asked, looking at Arisu then looking at Aguni.

Aguni stared at Usagi for a few seconds.

"You," he said, darting his eyes at Niragi, "Bring that woman over." Niragi obliged and walked towards Usagi, about to pull her over to Aguni.

"Hey!" Arisu shouted, defending Usagi, before you punched the back of his leg, resulting in him grunting in pain but still standing up.

"Don't get yourself involved," Kuina said as she held him back.

"Exactly," you said, adjusting yourself to sit comfortably.

"Our boss says he wants to have a taste of you," Niragi said as he licked his upper teeth, "Come." Niragi took Usagi's wrist but Arisu made him let go.

"Stop it," Arisu said. Niragi scoffed and smirked before looking at his boss.

"What should we do about this kid?" He asked.

"Break his legs so that he'll die in the next game," Aguni responded. You let out a chuckle.

"Yes," Niragi said as he nodded, "You guys! Bring the woman to him," he shouted to the other militants, "You, come with me," Niragi said as he took Arisu's arm.

Arisu wriggled out of Niragi's grip and went to Usagi.

You got up and stretched before walking up to the militants. "What do you think you're doing?" You asked the militants, towering over them as you gave them a condescending yet intimidating stare.

"Y/N! Stop," you heard Kuina whisper-yell as she motioned you to come sit down.

Niragi pointed the gun towards you and smirked. "Stay of out this, Princess. Wouldn't me want to ruin that pretty face, do we?" He said, tilting his head.

You scoffed before throwing a punch to his left cheek. "Oh no! I'm so sorry. You just look like a punching bag, so it's hard for me to resist," you said sarcastically, smiling as you put a hand in front of your mouth.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now