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In order for one to get their wish fulfilled, they will sacrifice anything. To them— in that moment, no sacrifice would be considered "too much", as in return, they will be procuring their wish come true. Desire and greed overtakes consciousness and control— in a heated moment, one would always think of only themselves and no one else. After all, vigilante justice is the equivalent to injustice.

Looking at the sky with half-lidded eyes, you let out a sigh and brought yourself to take a look at your bullet wounds. You were still bleeding, but the huge amount of blood that stained your white tank top dried up. It had been a couple of hours since Arisu and Usagi left you, Chishiya and Niragi behind the car before running away from the King of Spades.

It was silent— except for the sound of distant gunshots, screams and explosions. Shibuya City was now packed with dead bodies lying around. Some were even still alive, struggling to crawl and desperate to stay alive. They even sounded like zombies.

"Chishiya," you called for him in a quiet and soft tone.

He looked at you from the corner of his eye and hummed upon hearing his name escape your lips.

"I love you."

You saw his eyebrows raise in a form of surprise, but he didn't respond. He seemed confused— he had a sort of quizzical look in his eyes. You saw his lips part, though he seemed slightly hesitant to speak.

"You don't have to respond. I just wanted you to know that."

"I love you too." He finally responded, holding your hand tighter.

A small smile formed on your lips. "It's hard to stay awake, you know?"

"I know." He spoke softly. "But do your best, Y/N."

You nodded and let out a quiet sigh, resting your head on his shoulder.

You hated the fact that you were in such a vulnerable state. Though you knew how much of a weak person you truly were, you really didn't want to die knowing you didn't serve for anything in the end. You looked around before mustering up the strength to hold onto the car door's handle and pulling yourself up. As much as it hurt your wounds, you couldn't bare the fact that you were going to die without any dignity whatsoever.

Chishiya felt your hand slip away from his grasp, making him flutter his eyes open. As he saw you struggling to stand, his eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" He tried to gently pull you back down to sit next to him. "You can't go out there. You've lost too much blood already."

You stumbled as he tried pulling you back down,  not caring much about your wounds anymore. You shook your head and removed his hand from your wrist, turning to face him.

"I'm going to die anyway. Even if this speeds up the dying process, I need to help everyone else. I don't want them to die, especially because I know they can't take on the King of Spades even if they gang up on him." You inhaled sharply.

"Just stay down, dumbass. Why do you even care if they die?" You heard Niragi say with a scoff. "If you die while fighting the King of Spades, you won't be dying next to your beloved Chishiya. Think about that."

You froze. You hadn't quite thought about the fact that you weren't going to die next to Chishiya.

"Calm your savior complex down and just sit. Don't go anywhere, for fuck's sake." Niragi spoke with arrogance.

You had to think twice about the consequences of your actions. You looked down on your wound, wincing slightly as it still hurt a ton even when it closed a little. While you were still thinking, your attention got swept away almost immediately at the sound of a very loud explosion that was from an abandoned store. You sighed and slowly went back down next to Chishiya to sit next to him, and you could swear that you saw a tinge of relief in Niragi's eyes. You looked away from his face, feeling slightly disgusted.

"They'll be fine, Y/N." You heard Chishiya say in attempt to reassure you. "Arisu is smart. And I know they will have other smart or strong people like Kuina or Ann. Maybe even Aguni."

You slowly nodded, partially convinced by his words. As the debris flew around with the dust that cloaked your vision, the fire that came from the explosion latched onto a bit of grass and vines. You could barely see or breathe because of the amount of dust that covered your vision, so you coughed a bit and waved your hand around to disperse of the dust and debris.

Once you finally got rid of all the dust that covered your vision, you were left with a sight of bricks and pieces of building walls that were scattered everywhere across the floor. It was a dramatic sight, and the flames simply enhanced this.

You didn't even know why you wanted to help everyone. It was an itching sensation, gnawing at your skin and making you feel guilty for no reason. The fact that you even wanted to help everyone was surprising to you— you only cared about yourself and Chishiya, nothing else. You hadn't even realized you changed this much since then. Sure, you did notice a small change after you met Anzu, but you didn't expect him to create such a big impact on you. Or was it simply meeting Chishiya that changed your point of view on the world?

You looked over to Chishiya and noticed that he was already staring at you, with a tinge of worry in his eyes. But you didn't know exactly why he looked at you this way. His eyes shifted to your lower abdomen, and when your eyes landed on it, you immediately noticed your bullet wound opened again and you were back to bleeding a whole lot.

"Should have stood down, dumbass." Niragi mumbled, looking away from your wound.

And then, you felt yourself get engulfed by a pair of arms under a white jacket.

A/N: Awawawa .. sorry for such a late update !! Please enjoy this chapter ~ very sorry once again !!

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