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You heard faint yet heavy footsteps coming towards the area you were in. You whipped your head around, looking to see if the butcher is near you. You rushed to hide behind a dark closet. The footsteps quickly turned heavier and clearer which meant only one thing; the butcher was near you. You knew you had to either think quick to get away from this area or stay silent so that he wouldn't see or hear you. The footsteps were slow yet heavy and you could feel your heart beating fast from the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You grinned at this feeling. You were excited, for the first time in a game.

Suddenly, the floor creaked as you took one simple step. You cursed yourself and immediately looked behind you to see a pig masked dude with a butcher's knife in his hand.

You let out a chuckle. "Oh shit."

You smiled as your eyes travelled from the butcher's feet to his pig mask. He was tall, and big. The man raised his arm to swing the huge blade onto you, but you were quick to run. You swiftly ran to the hallways, looking back every now and then because you knew the butcher was allowed and very capable of throwing knives at your direction.

The second you looked back for the third time, you saw the man pulling out a revolver.

"That is not a butcher," you said under your breath, smirking slightly as you started ducking and running even faster, trying to dodge the bullets that were getting shot as they resonated and echoed throughout the halls. You prayed to God that Chishiya and Ann would have finished finding their puzzle clues as you distracted the pig masked butcher.

You knew one thing: he has narrowed vision. You thought about the horse masked taggers and you knew they had a connection of some sort.

"Fuck! You're one hell of an annoying little whore, aren't you?!" You yelled, looking back as you barely dodged a knife that was aimed for your head.

"I really don't feel like dying in a ditch like this, so cut me some slack," you yelled one again as you turned to a corner and into a room with lots of long obstacles that would be good to dodge the knives or bullets.

"Small room, huh?" You said, turning to see the butcher with both his hands armed with one knife each side. You pulled out your sharp blade from your knife holder pocket and spun it around.


The room fell silent as you said that sentence. None of you moved an inch for a good minute. You smiled and winked before charging towards him. The butcher swung at you with his heavy knives but you spun around and stabbed his back twice. He flinched as a reaction to the stabs but was quick to throw you to the other side of the room.

Your back was harshly flung to the wall of the room and a loud thud was heard from the impact. You wiped your mouth, smearing blood onto your cheek. You annoyedly spat blood onto the floor and clicked your tongue. You weren't sure how many stabs it would take for you to take the man down but you knew it would be a lot. The man was tall, big and your blade was just a sharp dagger. For him, it would feel like a very sharp vaccination at most.

"Spending all your time on me as if you don't have other victims.." you chuckled, "that's an odd way of proposing to me, don't you think?" You raised your head to look at him, a sarcastic smile creeping up to your face even when you're slightly injured. You quickly got up and dodged an incoming knife. You picked up your dagger from the ground and started running again. You then heard a melodic chime echo throughout the halls. You smirked, guessing Chishiya or Ann completed a puzzle.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now