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A/N (very important):

Hello.. 😄 soo, I did write that Y/N was going to go to the Jack of Diamonds, but forgot that it was a Mahjong game (which I have no knowledge on). So, I will replace it with the 6 of diamonds game. I'm very sorry 🥹 I hope you enjoy either way.

Alsooo, I apologize for so many updates recently. I got a boost of motivation to write.

Happy reading !

Victory is bittersweet. It is a feeling where you feel happy and completed at the start, but then, progressively, you are left with an empty void of nothing. The taste of victory ends very quickly. It leaves you with a lingering feeling of wanting to fight for more, perhaps because of how greedy a human could be. It makes you feel completed, but then, leaves you nothing to fight for. In the end, it leaves you with no objective to reach for anymore.

You sighed, walking over to some place to hide near the Supreme Court. Thoughts kept racing your mind as you walked behind a thick bush to hide yourself. It has only been an hour since Chishiya left to play the game, but to you, it felt like an eternity. You took a deep breath before whipping your head towards the game arena when you heard a faint scream. You sighed, biting your bottom lip in worry.

"Be safe." You thought to yourself.

You felt something brush up against your leg, and your eyes widened. You quickly looked at the thing who was brushing up against your leg with a panicked look on your face, prepared to swat it away, but your stare quickly softened and turned into a confused one when you saw what it was exactly.

"..Huh?" You picked it up and held up up to your eyes.

"A.. cat..?" You spoke, confused. "Animals can still exist in this world?"

The cat meowed at you as if it was speaking back.

You hummed, reaching inside your bag to get cookies and water. "You must be hungry." You muttered, setting the cat down.

You broke the cookie into small bit-sized bits and placed them on the packaging for the cat to eat.

"I don't know if it's suitable for a cat to eat this.. but it's all I've got. Eat up." You said calmly, sitting in front of the cat.

The cat meowed at you again before starting to eat. You stared at its white fur and hummed to yourself.

"You don't deserve to be stranded in a world like this." You muttered, softly petting the cat. You stared at its eyes, thinking of Chishiya. "You remind me of Chishiya. He really gives off a vibe of a cat."

The cat finished eating and started grooming itself, making you smile. You opened the water bottle and held a hand out, pouring the water slowly. The cat walked up to you and started drinking.

"I sound crazy talking to a cat. But I don't have much to do while waiting for him to get out." You sighed, drying your hands and patting the cat.

"I hope he comes out unharmed." You mumbled.

The cat seemed to understand you, and brushed its cheek against your knee.

A hum escaped your lips. "Do you know him?"

The cat paused, sitting down and staring at you. You could see confusion visible in its eyes, making you chuckle.

"He's around 5'6 of height. His hair is bleached and is at a medium length. He always wears a white hoodie. Have you seen him?" You questioned the cat as if you were talking to a real human.

The cat tilted its head. "I'm guessing not, then." You smiled, crossing your arms. The cat took this chance to jump on your shoulder, making you stumble from the unexpected action. You recovered quickly, chuckling at the cat. "Guess you're coming with me, then."

You looked around before getting out of the bush with the cat still on your shoulder. You walked towards the entrance of the Supreme Court, nervously biting your bottom lip. The cat jumped off your shoulder and simply stood next to your foot.

Finally, he walked out. He was walking towards you with some kind of peaceful looking face. Quickly, you walked towards him, followed by the cat, to see if he had any wounds that needed to be taken care of.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" You asked, looking everywhere for injuries before being engulfed in a soft hug. Your eyes widened in surprise, completely taken aback by the sudden action.

"..Chishiya?" You uttered his name, slowly hugging back. "What's wrong? What happened in the game?"

"Nothing." He replied after a few seconds of silence. "Just wanted to hug you."

You knew something definitely happened, but he didn't want to tell you, so you won't pry. After a few minutes, he pulled back with a somewhat soft and solemn expression. You smiled at him before pointing at the cat who was laying down on your foot.

"I'm surprised that animals could exist in this world. I want to keep it." You hummed, crouching and patting the cat.

"A cat?" Chishiya mumbled, also crouching to get a better view of it. "I'm guessing all kinds of life can be here, then."

You nodded. "It reminds me of you, you know?" You played around with the paws of the cat.

"How so?" He raised a brow.

You shrugged, letting out a hum. "I don't know. The first animal that comes in my mind when I look at you is a cat." You pointed at the cat. "This one in particular really makes me think of you. It has white fur, which looks like your hair and your hoodie. You also have cat-like eyes."

A chuckle. "Fair enough. A number of people think that I resemble a cat too."

"See? I'm not alone on this." You smiled, crossing your arms. "I want to keep it."

"It might die, though." Chishiya replied, staring into the cat's eyes.

You shook your head. "It's not dying— not when it has us." You hummed. "I haven't given it a name yet."

Chishiya looked at you, his lips curled upwards into his signature small smile. "You can choose it."

"Taro." You replied, smiling. "I took it from your first name."

He seemed to be slightly taken aback, but quickly recovered with a chuckle. "Cute."

You got up, looking around for the Jack of Diamonds blimp. And when you found it, you hummed. "Let's go."

Chishiya stared at you for a few seconds before reluctantly nodding and getting up. The cat meowed, also getting up and jumping on your shoulder.

You smiled at the cat before letting out a small sigh and walking towards the Jack of Diamonds game.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now