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There will be a little A/N at the end of the chapter, please take your time to read it! (Only if you want to) 💕💕

Uncertainty was a bitch. One would overthink too much on whether something will turn out as planned or not. It is indeed stressful and nerve-wracking, but it's quite normal to be uncertain about something. For example, you're not even sure if your plan would work out in the end. But even so.. it doesn't hurt to try it out, right? After all, every single one of your other plans worked out. So this one should turn out well too.


..A loud one.

You walked slowly near the men's restroom to have a talk with Yaba and Banda. Chishiya went on to talk to Kotoko, but knowing her and Yaba's connection, she probably wouldn't answer at all. Your heels resonated throughout the halls before you nonchalantly leaned against the wall with a hum as you waited for them to leave. You heard very faint chatter among them, and you assumed it would be about the Jack of Hearts or something. You thought about Chishiya and scoffed upon realizing he might advertise his cookies again.

You heard footsteps approach you coming from the men's restroom and you hummed, straightening yourself up and dusting yourself off. Banda and Yaba stared at you as they walked away from the restroom, their gaze meeting yours. You noticed Banda's lips quirk upwards onto a smirk, yet you have no idea why. Yaba looked intruded, but not as much as Banda.

"Banda. Yaba." You called out, making them hum and turn towards you. "I have a proposition to give."

A hum, coming from Banda. "Oh? And who might you be?" He asked, staring at you with his half-lidded eyes.

"I'm sure you can see my name by staring at the board." You replied, lazily staring at the board which showed every player's name. "But let me get straight to the point."

"Ah. You're the girl who's always next to that blonde boy."

"Yeah. That's me." You removed yourself from the wall and hummed. "This is a plan to take down the Jack—"

"Who said that we would accept?" Yaba cut you off, straightening his tie and staring at you with a raised brow and with a slight smirk.

You suppressed a scoff, trying to control your attitude to keep them engaged into the conversation. This Yaba guy was really starting to get on your nerves. The way he stared at you as if he was superior ticked you off. Not that you and Chishiya don't already stare at people condescendingly, though...

"Do you want to clear the game or not?" You deadpanned, furrowing your brows slightly in annoyance. "Or will you and your precious Kotoko die in this? So much for your little 'protection', huh? Not even sure if you used that when you—"

"Alright. Tell me the plan." His smirk almost immediately faded and he cleared his throat.

"Good." You stared at Banda. "You."

Banda let out a hum upon realizing that you were calling him.

"You and your pet." You started, sweeping a strand of of your hair aside when it brushed across your face. "I think you can already guess what I'm trying to say here."

"That he's the Jack of Hearts?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.


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