37.5 Side Story: Suguru Niragi

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Another boring day where your schedule repeats as per usual. You stared out the window, quietly and slowly tapping your pen against your cheek as you waited impatiently for the last class to finish. As you stared out the window, you got carried away by a cat sitting right on a house rooftop. You always loved cats and their calm nature— not to mention, they are also extremely cute. They are strong creatures who have extremely quick reflexes and they're also just fascinating in whole.

You didn't even need to give in effort to your studies. You were a straight A+ student with perfect scores in every single test or quiz you did. Moreover, you were popular for your looks and intelligence. Everyone at school knew you. A lot of them were scared of you because they knew how much of a strong person you were, whilst some just admired you in general.

The bell finally rang, dismissing you and your class. You immediately started packing everything on your desk to start heading home as fast as possible. You let out a sigh, relieved that this school day was finally over as you zipped your bag and prepared to leave before hearing your friend speak to you.

"Wow, Y/N! You're hasty today!" Your friend snickered. "Do you have somewhere to go? I can accompany!"

You let out a brief chuckle. "No, I'm just glad that school's over."

"Isn't everyone!" She huffed, smiling at you. "Well, I'll get going now. Head home safely, there's a lot of gangs that tend to hang around school once it ends."

"Yeah, thanks." You calmly nodded at her and smiled, watching her exit the classroom before you left in your turn.

You would always leave through the back of the school to reach your house quicker and safer. But this time, it was not the case. You heard a male group laughing as they made fun of someone. You could hear that person sniffling, and you could tell that it was a boy. You peeked your head from the corner of a stone wall to get a glimpse of what was going on— and you saw a baseball flying towards you at a very high speed. Luckily, you ducked and dodged it, but when you looked back up, you saw a year 1 student with an extremely bloody nose behind Ryuu.

"Woah! Sorry, L/N!" One of the boys, Ryuu, exclaimed. "Didn't see you there! I was trying to aim at this nerd over here," he pointed towards the 1st year. "Would you like to join?"

You shot him a confused stare, raising a brow. "And why would I do that?"

Your face contorted in disgust when you watched one of them pull down their pants to pee in a bowl full of rice. He picked up the bowl, approached the 1st year and was about to force him to eat it before you threw your bag at him, making him drop the bowl from the impact. The bowl shattered and the rice spread across the floor. You took a few steps back, preventing the rice from touching your shoes.

The 1st year gasped, staring at you with his eyes glistening in awe.

"That's disgusting." You said, your tone monotone yet full of disgust. "Hey, tell me something: what did this 1st year even do to you?"

Ryuu looked shocked. "L/N, you're defending him? W-Why would you do that? He's just a puny nerd!" He spoke nervously before he sent some sort of signal to a guy with a baseball bat.

The guy with the baseball bat threw a baseball into the air and hit it with force, sending it flying in high speed towards the 1st year.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now