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There is nothing much to life for. Happiness is simply an illusion to make one feel like they truly belong in this world. Half of the population tend to get lost in their own derealization; thinking this is a simulation, and that if they wake up from this so-called 'dream', everything will be over soon. It's a pity, really— having to disassociate yourself with reality. But who is to blame? Your own self, or the world in general? Or, maybe everything simply needs a change of fate, and a little bit of luck.

And here you were, laying next to Chishiya on the floor because you couldn't stand anymore. You had lost too much blood, and kept irritating your wounds, which caused them to bleed non-stop. He kept his hand on your hand, on top of his recent bullet wound. You felt dizzy— though you knew you couldn't do anything, as you didn't have a single first-aid supply to help you.

"I guess hunting rifles aren't as deadly as you'd think they are," you heard Niragi say weakly.

Arisu heard him speak and immediately armed himself with his rifle again, approaching his voice slightly.

Niragi breathed slowly. "Whatever you do, just don't make me out to be the villain. If there were seven billion copies of me, you guys would all be villains too."

He turned to look at you, but his eyes held no more hatred. "You're pretty lucky, you know. You guys are the majority."

Arisu wanted to respond. You saw his lips part, though he couldn't speak, as the King of Spades blimp could be seen floating atop of you all.

"Run." Arisu said to Usagi, who simply looked over to you and Chishiya hesitantly.

Arisu looked above him before looking at you again. "Let's hide them behind cars," he suggested, to which Usagi agreed without hesitation this time.

You couldn't be bothered to look at the blimp. "Take Chishiya."

"Huh?" Arisu uttered.

"Take Chishiya and go. Hurry."

"No— we're not leaving you!" Usagi yelled.

You closed your eyes and exhaled shakily, slipping your hand off of Chishiya's wound. "Take him—"

You were interrupted by Usagi immediately holding you up and quickly taking you and Chishiya behind a car with the help of Arisu. You grunted, feeling pressure against your wounds.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, we're almost there!" Arisu said.

Soon, you were gently sat down against a car, right next to Chishiya. Niragi was eventually placed beside you aswell, though he was bleeding a ton— almost more than you.

Ignoring the gunshots and explosions firing left and right, you placed your head on Chishiya's shoulder.

"I know you might hate this," you said softly, "but let me stay like this for a while."

"No," he whispered and placed his hand on yours. "I don't mind."

You smiled and closed your eyes before hearing Niragi scoff.

"Lovebirds." Niragi muttered, completely slouched against the car.

You ignored his words and focused on your breathing.

"Hey," you spoke again, "do..you think Arisu will be able to do it?"

"Who knows?" Chishiya answered after a few seconds of silence. "It's a probability. But I believe in him."

You cracked a smile. "..Yeah. I do too."

"I wish.." your words came out in a whisper. "I wish I was there to help. But here I am, bleeding out because I fucked up."

"You didn't fuck up." Chishiya shook his head. "Bullets are almost impossible to dodge if the shooter is decent at aiming. You can't even see them travelling towards you since they're so fast."

You gave him a small smile and nodded slightly before fluttering your eyelids closed.

Soon enough, you couldn't hear anything at all. No more explosions, no more heavy breathing and screaming, no more gunshots. All sound has been blocked off— all you could hear was your own breathing. It was peaceful, but you didn't know what was happening around you, so you decided to open your eyes.

You couldn't see anything.

It was all black— as if you were in a void. You couldn't even feel your own feet standing on the ground properly: it was as if you were floating in an endless loop of nothing. You looked everywhere, yet you still couldn't see anyone or anything.

"Miss Y/N!" You heard a familiar, young voice call out for you.

Your eyes widened in shock, deciding to search for the voice. It felt like you were swimming as you forced your legs to move towards the sound of the young voice.

"Anzu..?" You breathed out, looking around in search of his face.

Finally, he was there— right in front of you, looking the same as when you first met him; messy, bruises everywhere, dirty. He gave you a smile, waving at you with the same cheerful every he used to have.

Your first instinct was to hug him. It's all you wanted to do once you saw his face.

Once you finally let go, he gently placed his hands on yours to remove them from his shoulders.

"You have to wake up." He said.

"What?" You blinked in confusion.

"Please! You're on the verge of death!"

You looked over to where your bullet wounds were supposed to be, but realized that they weren't there anymore. You pressed on the area, and felt no pain.

"Oh..right." Your eyes widened. "I need to be by Chishiya's side."

"Please," you heard Anzu speak once more,

"Clear the games."

You blinked, and the next thing you knew, you were back into the world that you were currently in. Your eyes fluttered open. You felt as if you were being suffocated— unable to breathe, but with each breath you took, it got easier.

"Y/N?" You heard Chishiya whisper, immediately holding your hand once he saw your eyes flutter open.

"You went unconscious and stopped breathing. I really thought you died," he spoke again in a mumble.

"I don't even know what happened. I'm surprised I was able to stay alive for this long." You stared at the sky with no hint of emotion on your face. "It's cold."

Chishiya shifted his arms so that they would be slightly wrapping around you in attempt to warm you up. "Your body temperature dropped for a second. Don't scare me like that ever again— stay awake."

You let out a breathy chuckle. "I could say the same for you."

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now