a bit more enthusiasm?

120 3 2

Looks like there 6 people who've read the whole story, so could it be possible to get 2 comments for the next chapter? Please, that would mean a lot to me... Like you may have seen, I did update this weekend, I got ill fridynight so had to return home from my trip... Now I'm missing school... BUT this makes me able to write more! 2 comments? please?xx

When we entered the mall I made sure my hoodie was in place and I put my sunglasses on. 

Eyeing myself in windown I noticed Aria was chuckling.


"You were just looking at yourself longer than a few seconds."

"Hey! My appearence is important!"

"Yeah clearly!"

"As a..."

"Famous popstar you have to look good, I get it..."

"Not only that, I tryed to make sure no one would recognize me..."


"Till the press conference they don't have to ask question..."

"Okay, thanks, I guess?"

I started laughing at her weird look and she soon joined me. 

She looked surprised at the sound of her own laughter.

I took her hand as we walked by the first shops. 

Awaiting if she didn't mind I looked at her.

I saw she inspected our hands but shrugged and we walked on. 

A huge grin appeared on my face. 

Suddenly she turned around and she noticed.

"Well Styles, you're clearly proud of yourself at the moment."

"Everyone would be! Holding the hand of such a beautiful girl..."

"Save it, Styles! And don't make yourself any illusions!"

"I wasn't!"

She rolled her eyes

"Yeah sure"

Hmm, maybe it was time the change the subject..

"Sooooo, where do you want to take a look?"

"I have no idea, and I already told you I don't need much"

Ignoring her, I continued my way to some shops. 

"So let's start at forever 21!"

I dragged her with me to the entrance of the shop.

She followed but not as willing as I would like...

As soon as I inspected the clothes and held them before her to shew them her enthusiasm lowered even more. 

Hmm, this wasn't going to work...

Maybe I needed some help?

"Will you be fine for a second? I gotte make a call..."

"Yeah sure"

I walked away, dialling a number. 

When I turned around I saw her still awkwardly standing there, eyeing the clothes around her with a sceptic look.

After a few seconds I heard a familiar voice answering my call/


"I's okay, Louis, you can stop screaming now."

"Ow sorry, I just got a bit..."

"Enthusiastic? Yeah I get it, I'm starting to know you"

"I'm glad for that, so why are you calling?"

"I might need a bit of help..."

"Ow the almighty Harry needs help? Spill it!"

"So, I'm in the mall and"

"In the mall? Like you are shopping?!!!!"

"Uhm yeah, and there's the problem..."

"So between which colors are you doubting?"

"Not for that Louis! It's just that I got a little problems of enthusiasm with Aria... She doesn't want me to buy her something and she's not interested..."

"What shop?"

"Forever 21."

"Okay, Ill be there in 10."

"Thanks mate!"

"No problem, looks like you have double luck!"


I heard yelling at the oher side of the line. 

"Zayn, we're going shopping! HUP HUP8!"

Hmm so the two shoppingmasters were coming... This was going to be fun...

I entered the store with a grin on my face and Aria noticed.

"What was that call about that I made you smile like that?"

"You'll figure that out soon!"

"If I want to figure out..;"

"Probably not, hehehehe"

"Oh god, you're torturing me"

We walked around in the store for about 10 minutes and she still didn't want to try on anything I showered her. 

She didn't even want to take a second look.

We both turned around when we heard two voices coming our way? 

They were laughing and when Aria noticed they already had their arms full with clothes Aria looked at me, she didn't seem very happy...

"What did you do Harry? Why did you call them."

Louis answered in my place. 

"Cause we're going to shop, love!"

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