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We walked to the room where we had waited before the conference.

This time Niall was first to speak.

"Uuuhm could we go grab some food somewhere? I'm getting hungry."

We all looked at Simone, he  sighed.

"That's okay, boys, you're free to go, I'll call you about the reaction."

"Thanks Simon."

"We'll see how long this will last, lucky that we don't have to cancel much for now."


"Bye guys! Harry take care of her!"

"I will"

Aria smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"Stay strong girl, and don't let these boys walk over you."

"I won't"

"Glad to hear that"

"Thank you Simon"

"You don't have to thank me"

"I feel like I do"

I sighed again, dragging her with me to the door. 

We all said our goodbyes and left.

The noises outside were even louder than before.

Some guard cleared our way as we walked into the crowd. 

I tryed my best again not to listen to much to whatt thay said but it was hard. 

They had already heard about the news, wow, that travelled fast!

Most of them sounded afraid, they were probably thinking that we would split. 

Well, they would just have to wait to hear the full statement. 

A few of them looked proud? 


When they saw Aria they started waving at her, she seemed confused? 

Hmmm, they were probably proud that we had acted like this by standing up for Aria?

They were also a lot  that sounded angry. 

One look at Aria's face was enough to see the guilt on her face. 

She was still thinking that it was her fault. 

I wasn't the only one who had noticed, before I could say something she was already pulled under Liam's arms. 

Wait, that wasn't jealousy that I was feeling? Or was it? 

I shrugged it off, happy to see the other lads also cared about her. 

As soon as we were in the van Zayn closed the door. 

I found myself sitting next to Aria, Zayn opposite me. 

On Aria's other side sat Liam.

Niall and Louis sat next to Zayn.

We started driving as Niall shouted.

"Can we go eat something?"

We all rolled our eyes, exept for Aria who looked confused. 

"Niall loves eating" Louis explained to her. 


Was it a good idea to eat somewhere now, with the six of us? 

Probably not.

I looked around and found the perfect resolution? 

"Why don't you all come over to my, uuhm our house?"

I looked at Aria when I corrected myself, she just rolled her eyes like I was used from her.

The others boys noticed and started to chuckle.

"Well, Harry, that even sounds like a better idea, if you don't mind, Aria?"

Liam spoke after he had looked at the other boys.

"Of course that's fine for me, it's Harrys house, I'm just living there now"

Now I was the one to roll my eyes, it started to become a habit. 

All the boys started to laugh and Louis looked very amused. 

"Aren't you the most amazing housemates to watch? Hahaha, how I wish I could see everything that's going in in that house! Must be a great laugh all the time!"

"Not always Louis"

Aria mumbled.

The laugh immediately disappeared from Louis' face.

"I'm sorry, Aria, I didn't mean to..;"

"No it's okay, Louis, I  know you didn't mean it like that."

"I should've thought more before I said some..."

"Really Louis, it doesn't matter, really, I'm not mad or anything like that."

"Ow well, okay, I'll just be more careful with my words"

"That would help, Louis."

Liam spoke to him while sending him a sever glance.

"Well looks like we're there!"

I said jumping out of the car as it stopped at our house.

The others soon followed, and when I opened the door Niall was the first to storm inside.

"Where's the food, Harry?"

"Wait a sec, Niall, you could at least give u a chance to come in."

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry."

I opened the fridge and revealed its content.

There was still some pasta from this week but I doubted if that would be enough for six...

"Well, Niall you can already eat some of this why I'll call for some takeaway italian?"

I asked looking around at the others faces. 

They all nodded in agreement and I went to call the italian.

A quarter of an hour the food was delivered and we could eat. 

When the boys left two hours later Aria looked relieved. 

She had enjoyed the company but now its was enough. 

It wasn't an easy day and her pain was still fresh, at least a part of it.

"It's alright if you want to go to bed, Aria"

"Thank you, Harry."

"Are you okay with meeting the girls tomorrow?"

"The girls?"

"Perrie, Danielle and Elenaor. Zayn, Liam and Louis' girlfriends. Liam asked me that..."

"Well okay..."

"Goodnigt Aria"

"Goodnight Harry"

She came closer and hugged me and I put a kiss on her forehead, causing a little smile on her face.

She waved over her shoulder as she walked upstairs.

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