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She was gone. 

The world had stopped and my life was over. 

Aria wasn't here anymore and all the light had left my life. 

All that remained was darkness and grief. 

Gone. Just gone. 

It had been 6 days since the sun disappeared and an endless night took over. 

Today was the day I had to say goodbye. 

And I couldn't handle the thought. 

Yesterday I went to see her a last time, today we would bury her. 

I went with my sister yesterday and I placed the promise ring around her finger, she had never had the time to do it herself. 

The nurse who gave her the wrong pills had been arrested and there was an investigation going on. 

But nothing could save me. 

Nothing could bring her back. 

I'd never thought someone could have such an immense influence on my life but that was before I met her. 

And now she was dead. 

And I felt like I had died with her. 

I wasn't able to see any sense in life anymore. 

All had stopped when she died. 

Time passed but I didn't feel it. 

Life carried on but I remained the same. 

The only thing that had kept me from suicide was Ariana. 

She was still in the hospital and I spent my days next to her little bed. 

Like a zombie, watching her every move. 

Afraid to loose her like I had lost her mother. 

Her mother, my love, my sun and my life. 

They told me the pain would disappear after a while. 

But I couldn't imagine that. 

My time with her had been short, too short, but still perfect. 

She would always stay the love of my life. 

I had to make her daughter just like her.  

Perfect in every way, that was the only thing left for me to do in this life. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up in Simon's face, he nodded at me and together we entered the church. 

I sat front row, between my mother and Simon. 

I tried to see clearly but my eyes were stuck by tears. 

The priest in front started to speak. 

'We are here together today to say goodbye to Aria Young, who left our lifes way too soon. She was loved by all who knew her, and she enlighted their lifes with her presence. Her short life had been tough the last 2 years, but the last months she started to become happy again. And that's when doom came. It is way too soon to say goodbye to her, but that's why we are here today. We must say goodbye to this wonderful girl.' 

I heard sobs everywhere around me and I watched Liam getting up and walking to the front. 

He cleared his troat before he started to speak. 

'Aria, she was wonderful. It's hard to ignore that. She was wonderful in every way. She had been trough so much, but still all she cared about were others. She was afraid to do us any harm, she blamed herself for a pause. Where she no fault in. She was wonderful. Going trough hell she deserved to be happy. She more than anyone I know. But life hadn't been hard enough. No. When she finally started to get better, a new bomb was dropped on her. She was pregnant. But she never doubted. She wanted to keep the baby. She could never give it up. That's how she was. And she found love. We were all so happy. She found someone who would always take care of her. She found Harry. Harry who found her that day on the streets, took her home and starter to heal hear. Fixing what was broken inside her. And together they grew. To the light. They were happy and I truly believe that's how they would have stayed forever. But unfortunately life is not fair. And she's taken from us. We'll never see her smile again,that wonderful smile that reached us all so much. But she will never be forgotten and she will live in her daughter, who is as wonderful as her. Aria Young will live forever in all of us.' 

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