just making dinner

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Okay so I didn't get comments like I asked, just one on the previous chapter, but okay. I just like to know what you think... That means so much to me... So ty for those who've voted and/or commented so far... XX Helena :)

Two days passed in all rest. 

Aria and I got more used to living in eachothers company and we got along very well. 

My mom was still with us but she was leaving tomorrow.

Tonight would be a big night for Aria. 

She needed the past two days to calm herself down, and to try to come over the previous events. 

She didn't want to see any people beside my mom and I. 

But tonight it was going to change.

She came up with the idea herself to invite the boys over, not only them but with their girlfriends. 

I suggested it would also be nice to let my sister come, and she agreed with me.

So tonight she would try to open herself again to other people.

She said she'd probably need time to trust all of them and get used to the comapny of so many but I think that wasn't weird at all. 

After what she'd been trough, it's normal that her confidence had been lessened.

And she had been alone most of her time. 

She hadn't even gone to school since her mother died, her father forbade it. 

For that problem I had already arranged something. 

Or better: Simon had arranged something. 

He had arranged a private teacher for her, who came at home to teach her a few hours in the week. 

He would also send her teaching materials when she was abroad with us. 

At least that's what would happen when we started again. 

It wasn't sure when that would be.

When I was talking with Simon yesterday about Aria's teaching problem we discussed the latest news. 

The media had reacted in every single way. 

In some papers we were praised for our acting, in others we were describeb like we thought we could rule the world on our own way.

On twitter the fans were also divided in different groups. 

There were the ones crying over the temporal stop, most of them  were blaming Aria. 

There were the ones asking to start again as possible,saying they understood very well what was going on between me and Aria, and accepting her as a new member of the family. I like.d these a lot

There were the ones that even went further, these were the ones I liked the most. They were showing their upport for Aria in every possible way. For me these were the most faithful ones.

The last ones I hated. I disgusted them. They were saying things like the fact that whatever seemed to have happened to Aria was something she made up herself to get my attention. They're saying that she was just desperate for attention and that she was using me. They said she was a bitch and that she didn't deserve to be around me.

On twitter 'supporting1Dcomebackplease' was already trending 3 days, I've never seen something trending for so long. 'Harry and Aria', 'Aria Young' and 'onedirectionforlife' and 'stopthehate' had also been trending long time. Also some other related things had been trending.

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