read all about it

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Not again. 

Gossip papers. 

I went closer to read what they were saying. 

The titles immediately caught my eyes. 

"The girl that pulls One Direction apart."

"Aria Young: the hidden story."

"What Harry drove to taking care of Aria Young"

"Harry's charity case?"

"The one to blame for One Direction's pause hides a past."

"Harry Styles showing his heart by taking care of abused girl."

"Aria Young: the story of a stolen youth"

This must be a joke. 

Not again. 

At least not all of them were bad.

But the ones that were bad drew my attention. 

How could they do that to her? 

Now they had apparently found out her story, her past? 

Where was their humanity?

"Looks like some have never heard of humanity."

Liam was clearly thinking the same. 

He stopped his walking and stepped next to me. 

I grabbed one of the papers, the one saying "Aria Young: the story of a stolen youth"

I decided I would start with one that seemed nice.

The front page was a picture of Aria, she was sitting next to me at the press conference. 

When I turned the page I saw one from her walking out of the hopital with me and my mom.

I was surprised when I saw another picture. 

It was a young Aria, maybe around 6 year old. 

Her smile was brighter than the ones I'd seen at her the last few weeks. 

She hadn't been hurt at that time. 

I smiled with regret at the picture. 

Poor girl.

I scanned the page quickly. 

I found some new details about her youth. 

But the biggest part was about her last months. 

The things she'd been trough. 

I was right, this one was friendly. 

It showed respect and was sorry for her. 

I passed to another  one. 

"Harry's charity case"'

Some of the things mentioned here were the same as in the other. 

The big difference was here they made it look like she was an attention whore. 

It was incomprehensible to me how they could say these things when they actually found out about her story. 

"I'm sorry, mate, I found them on my way here."

I turned around to face a worried Niall. 

"Hmm, I don't like."

"None of us does."

"Has Simon called yet?"

"No, do you want me to call him?" Liam offered.

"No, I get this."


I grabbed my phone and touched the shortcut I had for him.


"Hi. Did you see the papers?"

"Someone just brought them in."


"Can you give me a few minutes, I want to read them, I'll call you back."



I hung up and returned to the boys. 

They were all reading some papers. 

I grabbed another one too.

"AriaYoung; the hidden story."


That made it look like she was doing something wrong. 

Like it was all her fault. 

They were wrong, it wasn't.

I'm sooooorrry! Probably shortest ever, but I came home 2 hours later from school and I had a lot of work... And I'm sorry but I didn't get any comments, only 2 votes... Thank you for the people who did vote... Tomorrow I'll give you a long chapter. But only if you COMMENT/vote/message/folow xoxo Helena :) I'm really sorry!

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