on our way

132 3 2

When I woke up I heard noises coming from downstairs, I was curious what was going on. 

I jumped out of my bed and grabbed some pants and a shirt. 

I put them on and went downstairs. 

When I entered the kitchen I saw Aria standing there. 

She looked busy. 

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing breakfast."

"And why are you preparing breakfast?"

"Because I woke up earlier than you..."

"Hmmm, can I help?"

"No, no I'm almost done"

"Well okay then I'll just prepare the table?"


I grabbed some dishes, glasses and cutlery. 

I was done in a few seconds.

"You sure? You need no help?"

"Really Harry, I'm coming."


I sat down and a not a minute later Aria came with a plate with pancakes. 

"Are we celebrating?"


"We're having pancakes as breakfast..."

"No not really, I just wanted to prepare you something nice to thank you again..."

"No need for that but thanks."

We ate a few seconds in silence when my phone went off. 

I answered the call as I saw Liam's head poppin up on my screen.

"Yeah Liam?"

"Are you almost ready?" 


"Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Uhhhm I guess?"

"Press conference?"

"Ow yeah"

"Harry! I texted you yesterday!"

"Yeah you're right, I just forgot."

"Hmm, we'll be there in 10."


Make sure you're ready"


"Bye Harry"

"Bye Liam"

She looked at me, the question in her eyes.

"What did you forget, Harry?"

"The press conference!"


"Come on! We have to be ready in 10 minutes!"


"Yeah of course, we!"


"You have to be there, we'll clear things up"

"Yeah b..."

"And they will want to ask you some questions, but we already discussed you won't have to answer all of them."


"Just say no when you don't want to..."

"I'll try."

"Thanks! We'll stop them if they go to far."

"Thanks to you now"

"So come on! We have to get ready!"

"Ay captain"

I laughed and we both sprinted up the chairs.

I took black pants and a white shirt and finished it with a blazer. 

I went back downstairs and waited for Aria, not a minute after me she was also finished. 

Wow! She was faster than Zayn!

She was wearing a blue jumpsuit without sleeves and buttons on the front, it covered her legs. She was wearing it with a black blazer and black ballerinas.

Hmmm, I like her style!

Her hair hang in waves over her shoulders. 

Her eyes were soft, the pain was less visile than I'd seen it the previous days.

She didn't wear any make-up and she was so stunning that it must be hard for girls who tried so hard to look beautiful with al these make-up. 

She was the perfect example of a natural beauty.

"You're staring, Harry"

"Hmm what?"

"You know that staring is impolite? 

And please we don't want your eyes to fall out off your head."

"It should help if you didn't give me something to stare at"

"Save it, Styles, you're such a flirt!"

I looked a bit sad at her last words and she immediately noticed.

"No please, I'm not criticizing you, please don't be mad at me?"

"Of course not, how could I be mad at you?"

"Oh well..."


We were interrupted by some screaming at my door.


We looked at eachother and both rolled our eyes.

"Coming Louis"

We walked outside and climbed in the waiting van.

We were greeted by the boys. 

They all said hello and waved, well except Louis. 

He grabbed us both in a hug. 


"Thanks Louis"

"Well I did a great job!"

Zayn cleared his troat.

"Oh, well, WE did a great job?"


The rest of the ride Aria remained silent and listened to the conversations around her. 

From time to time she smiled or frowned.

When we arrived at the building where the press conference would take place we heard the noises from outside. 

The screaming became louder and louder as we came closer. 

There were clearly a lot of fans outside...

We stopped and we all looked in Aria's direction. 

She looked afraid. 

Was she ready for all this? 

Wasn't it all a bit to much?

We waited for a minute till she looked at me. 

"I think I'm ready."

"Okay, let's do this."

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