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I woke up the next morning from the sound of talking.

The noise came from downstairs, I was very surprised to hear it.

Who was talking?

It seemed logical that it would be Aria, but who was the other person?

I pulled some pants and a shirt out of my closet and put them on.

I went downstairs while fixing my hair.

I saw Aria but the person she was talking with wasn't at all what I could've exspected.

She was talking with a policeman.

They both noticed my amazement and the policeman stood up, offering me a hand.

"Good morning mr. Styles, I 'm sorry to disturb you this early but I needed to talk to miss Young"

During his last words he made a gesture in Arias direction.

"I 'm sorry if this sounds rude but do you mind telling me why you're here for her?"

"No, not at all. I'm sorry for coming here but we found out by some media that Aria Young was staying here and we had to speak to her."

"Not a problem but why exacty do you need to speak to her?"

The answer came from Aria herself.

"My father"

I gasped, turning my head to the policeman.

My voice started trembling from anger.

"You are not taking her there. I won't let her close to him anymore."

"Don't worry sir, that's not the reason that I 'm here."

"Ow, sorry."

"Not a problem, I came here to inform miss Young that we arrested her father last night, he was involved in a fight in a pub."

"So you finaly got that bastard, he's where he deserves to be"

He looked very confused at me, like he hadn't understood a word I 'd said.

I turned my head in Arias direction, I noticed the blush on her face.

"You... You haven't told him?"

She avoided my glance.


"I.. I... I can't"

"Then I'll tell him."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but tell me what?"

"That man, I'm sorry I can't consider him as her father, he.. He raped her"

The man dropped the notebook he was holding.

He hadn't seen this coming..

In the corner of my eye I saw that Aria was crying againg.

I walked over to her and knelt down next to her.

I took her in my arms and placed her from the chair in my lap.

"I'm sorry miss Young, I'm sorry that this has happened to you. This changes everything ."

I looked up at him, not letting Aria go.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I came here to tell the family that he was about to be released but after hearing this, it looks like he won't be released in the next years. Unless you don't want to give us your statement but I hope you do. No one should be free after doing anything like that."

"Aria, please, you have to do this, you don't have to be ashamed..."

"Ashamed, no please girl, no need for that. He's the one who should be ashamed."

We both looked at Aria who was still sobbing.

She tryed to control her trembling voice.

"I want to g... gi.. give a statement."

I sighed from relief and hugged her.

"Is it okay for you to come to the policestation?"

She slightly nodded.

"Is it possible to also bring a woman with you?"


"After giving your statemenf you'll also have to get a medical check up and we advise that there's someone with you"

"I... I have no one"

"Shhh, don't worry, I'll call my mom, she can be here in a few hours, you'll be okay."

"I have to make some calls to make sure they don't release him in the next hours, I'll see you in a few hours? Stay strong girl."

I thanked him and let him out beford I called my mom.

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