among friends

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"Yeah I am, please come in"


I saw Aria returning, my sister behind her.

"Waaaaaaah Harry, your curls need to be cut!"

"No one touches the curls"

"Grow up, Harry"

"Hey! I'm a grown up!"

"If you think so.."

"I am! Tell her I am,mom!"

"You two are funny to watch" 

Aria chuckled as she looked at me and Gemma. 

"Haha if you say so"

"Yes, that's what I'm saying"

"Well okay, Gemma... Come here I missed you!"

"Ooooh you're so cute! I missed you to little brother"

She pulld me in a hug.

"Missed you too, but don't you dare call me that again?"

"Call you what? Little brother? Cause that's what you are..."

"Shhh, Gemma! I'm taller than you"

"Yeah but still younger"

"That doesn't matter"

"Actually it does..."

"Okay, okay you win!"

"But I still love my little brother"

"Aah love you too sis!"

When I looked over my shoulder I saw that my mom had her arm around Aria's shoulder as they watched us. 

I took Aria's hand and pulled her and my mother in our hug. 

I looked around our little circle and decided I could live with this little family, it looked perfect.

These were for now the 3 most important women in my life.

I let go when I heard the doorbell again. 

Followed by some knocking in the door. 

Must be Louis, he was the only one who would be so impatient.

I was right, even before I reached the door I heard some yelling.

"Come on! Hup hup! Open the door! Hup hup!"

He was interrupted by another voice. 

"Shh, Louis, be quiet! They will open up! Give them more than 5 seconds! And don't be too overwhelming"

I opened the door to discover an over enthusiastic Louis and a smiling Eleanor.


"Hi Louis, come in"

He pulled me in a hug. 

When he let go I looked at Eleanor.

"Hey El"

"Hi Harry, sor for this noisy boy."

"Haha, I already know him."

I kissed her cheeck and guided her to the living room. 

There we found Louis who was already jumping around greeting everyone. 

El and I both rolled our eyes when we saw him hopping around.

Soon the bell rang again.

I went to open again and found Niall standing there with Liam and Danielle. 

The last two were holding hands.

I let them in and hugged the three of them. 

We had a little conversation in the hall and when we went back I saw the others were already chatting. 

Louis was in the middle of a discussion with my mom while he was making wide gestures with his hands. 

El, Gemma and Aria were sitting in a corner, talking with low voices. 

As could be seen from the look on their faces it wasn't the most  happy conversation. 

Danielle soon walked over at them and introduced herself to Aria, also greeting the others.

She was soon engaged in the conversation. 

A few minutes later Perrie and Zayn had also arrived. 

They were always the last these two. 

There were clearly two groups. 

Perrie had also joined the girls and when she had finished her discussion her discussion my mother also walked over to them. 

The boys and I were sitting in the other corner of the room.

When I heard Niall's stomach, I decided it was time for dinner.

I stood up and went to the kitchen. 

I saw that Aria also made a move to get up.

"No, no, stay seated, it's not much work."

"I'll help him."

My mom stood up, slighlty tapping Aria's shoulder.

"Well okay, thanks Anne."

"No problem, dear"

Aria smiled gratefuly back.

When we came in the kitchen my mom smiled .

"The girl are perfect for her, Harry. It's good they are closer to her when Gemma and I leave again. She'll need some female company sometimes"

"I know. I'm glad they seem to get along well."

"Yeah, they do. Sixteen year old girls need friends."

"That's true, do you remember when I was sixteen?"

"How could I forget? It's not that long ago, you soon auditioned for x factor but you stayed so down to earth, loyal to all your friends. You haven't changed much since..''

"That's good.. I think?"

"Yes, that's a good thing."

"She's almost seventeen, in 2 weeks."

"Well, you were stil an amazing boy at seventeen."

"Thanks, mom"

"Promise me you'll stay like this?"

"I will, I love you"

"I love you too, my little Harrold."

"Why is everyone calling me little today?"

"Since you are"

I shot her a look and she laughed.

"Maybe just because you're the youngest."

"Not anymore! Aria is younger."

"Hmm, that's true..."

"Get used  to it."

"I can get used to the idea of having a new younger daughter."

"I'm glad for that."

"Doesn't she need a legal guardian?"

"Yeah I discussed yesterday, he said we would want to be her guardian since he's living closer to us."

"Well, that's a good idea, she'll still be a daughter to me."

"I know she will mom, we're giving her back what she lost."

A family. 

So what are you thinking? How's everyone doing? XX Helena :)

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